Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Evolution Scam

These Nasa geeks have the audacity to ask Donald Trump a question about how great they are w/ all of their Cosmos Mars and moon missions? Evolution is a scam- Intelligent Design is what we really have in this flat earth universe of ours. The name of the game is to keep everybody confused- dumbed down and inferior when we cant quite grasp the esoteric concepts of Trig- Advanced Physics and everything else these Free Mason Pseudo Scientists came up with so they could rule the world. It looks like everything revolves around our flat earth and the sun really isn't 93 million miles away. If everybody is confused and just says yes to whatever bs they throw at us this is why we are in the situation that we are in. It took me many years to accept certain truths this has been the hardest thing I have ever done. Writing about it is the only thing that has kept me relatively sane. The big bang the sun moon and stars is all just a way for these psychopaths to keep us feeling like insignificant cattle. How much is Nasas black hole budget? It resides in Langly wow what a surprise the cia and Nasa are in bed together. I want to set up a team of rock solid demon chasers. A task force of lean mean fire breathing fighting machines that cant wait to be fast roped into Antarctica and I will  be with them. The only weapon I really know how to shoot (not very well) is a glock so that's what I will have. Lets go- We will have plenty of cover and pre assault fire and we will absolutely have Blackhawks not pieces of shit Chinooks. We will have plenty of donations from our people all across our  flat earth because I know how upset they really are as well

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