Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The Wrong People Are Locked Up  Alex Jones our Commander in Chief isn't that bad, so please stop demonizing Obama with your zio marketing campaign. I told my mom that I wouldn't write any more blogs but I cant sit back and watch our country get steamrolled by Rico Mobsters. Alex your cover is blown, you are Bibis boy and Rand Paul is his pet project. This means Alex that you really aren't the leader of the Patriot movement and never were, you are a hypocrite traitor clown- neo con. Your boy Rand is not a peaceful third party or independent freedom fighter after all and neither are you Alex Jones. You let me down and so did Judge Napolitano because you are all Murdochs boys so please cut the bs. I thought the judge wanted to investigate 9-11 but he really doesn't, he is pushing the Saudi angle with Lt Col Anthony Shaeffer, and even implicated that innocent patsy in the Boston Marathon False Flag. Alan Combes may be the only honest person, my gut tells me he wants 9-11 adjudicated the right way. We are at an all time low and things must turn around. I hate politics and I hate politicians, I admire leaders with character and integrity. Gordon Duff must get into the White House because he is not a political animal, he is a real leader, that is the difference, the last chance this country really has. My mission is to set up a non profit and raise money for our next Commander in Chief, my mother should be proud of my new found focus. This will get ugly, a real dogfight because the President is the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the Supreme Law of the Land. This means if Gordon gets in their will be mass arrests across the board, a sweeping change, the real shock and awe. Many people will get locked up and many will never get out- Stew Web will make sure of that. Alex if you really are hooked in with the AIPAC boys you may go down too. This is a serious situation, this will be the most historic election in the history of this country. We have been hijacked and humiliated by real bad people. (they aren't really people) I have never admired anybody more then the VT warriors, this has been the most disturbing but refreshing time of my life. No I wont be a Lee Attwater spreading lies and then dying of cancer because of the tremendous guilt but rather speaking the truth about humble men and women who really have made a difference. No huge Napoleonic complexes or extreme Narcissists, just solid warriors who know how to take care of business, they were born to do it. How many politicians have had the courage to even mention the word False Flag? What should it mean to be an American? The answer is simple- When you are the toughest guy in the room, it is instinctive, people know not to mess with you because they know what will happen. It means not being a bully, mobster or murderer. It means that you really don't have any enemies because you never earned any because you are empathetic, a real humanitarian with compassion for others, and want to help rather then hurt. Our great nation has been hijacked and humiliated by Zio Rico cowards and criminals, they are the epitome of cowardice and disgrace. Bibi should have been locked up long ago, the only thing he wants to do is Nuke Iran, he is as sociopathic as they come. Gordon Duffs warriors know what needs to be done, sociopaths cant peacefully co exist with other humans it is impossible. They need to be stopped cold in their tracks, very few people have the power to actually do this. Let us all give positive encouragement to Maureen Crowley who spoke up about Sandy Hook. That Boston Marathon False Flag is far from over, their is no statute of limitations for huge Rico crimes.    

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