Sunday, March 15, 2015

Alex Jonestown Scam There it is conclusive proof that Alex Jones conned me into believing that Al Gore was a scam with his global warming pitch. I will go with the best informed intel guy in the world any day of the week. Preston James calls disinfo cointelpro (counter intelligence program) operations like Infowars limited hangouts meaning they unleash alot of solid intel just enough to pose as 100% legit in an effort to gain your trust only to scam you in other ways later. Like maybe getting info on who the real players are just so they can lead one into a hornets nest when the time is right. Alex is a true spymaster, not a bonafide and genuine Patriot that is only his cover id. Limited hangout truth nuggets that had me drinking Jonesteins kool aid all the way almost back to Jonestown itself. Alex Jones you have turned out to be a con man posing as the leader of the Patriot movement while double dipping with a big money handler behind the scenes while pushing aphrodisiacs and fluoride filters making it appear that this is the only way to keep your operation afloat. That is a sin, because Patriots are pure and noble, this means Alex that you have proven yourself to be an egregious fraud. Controlled Opposition, ie-AIPAC Jinsa- Gordon said that some of the people in your circle are so dirty that they would be doing time otherwise, wow what a great role model you are. I am tired of these scam traitors. It is now time to unleash a cable channel with Veterans Today making money the real way, the only way which is honorable and sink these alternative media wanna be Patriot operations and take it to the next level. Even main stream media will be under the ocean like the Titanic in a few years maybe even less. We need Gordon in the White House, every person I talked to never even heard of him, that is because he is not a mobster and Main Stream news is scared to death of him. Think about it do you think they want the man who is going to sink their entire operation with 9-11 intel for starters on their program? That is why we must be creative and start off with a major cable network and take it from there. I never fully trusted you Alex Jones, but Dr P was the only reason I stood behind you for so long. We don't have time to waste we need sponsors, money the whole 9 yards. I even like and respect Obama now, not because I am a Democrat, I am an independent. Jones had me convinced that our Commander in Chief was the devil himself. He is not, he is an American who doesn't get pushed around by Bibi, I respect him for that. He has done alot of positive things that he never received any credit for. Meanwhile Alex Jones go to guy Rand Paul might be implicated on Treason charges, who is the real Patriot now Alex? I believe our President loves our country and is doing the best he can under some very ugly circumstances. 

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