Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Open Letter To VT Trolls

The critics and trolls are predicable. I equate them with being the fat out of shape fans in the stands who do absolutely nothing except yell and scream at the pro athletes, the real players who work hard and make big money. For starters VT gets some grief because their articles sometimes look as if they haven't been spell checked. They are getting cyber hacked and attacked, if you critics weren't on the sidelines you would know this, I have written blogs that flat out disappeared as soon as I wrote them just wasting hours of my time. I have keys that don't work, all types of dirty tricks and I am not even a real player.Those guys go through hell just ask Stew Web how many times they tried to kill him. Even Preston James has mentioned that they came after him in the past. Anyway they need support so stop thinking you are smarter because you are not. They have real intel and the KM Mafia is not really something that one could research on google. They are a private intel firm, this means that they have plenty of hard evidence that can and will be used in the court of law. Also please no more pejorative comments referring to cops as pigs that is insulting. Most cops are very good. I never met a cop I didn't like, even the ones I knew to be corrupt and this also includes the ones that put cuffs on me which has been more times then I care to admit. I was sickened to my soul when I was locked up because a lot of the inmates hated cops with a passion and were even happy when one died.Cops can and will save our lives can anybody say that about a politician? When bad things happen who do you call, I will guarantee that even the most corrupt cops in this country have saved lives and done heroic things that only people in their circle really Know about. It is a thankless job and they deserve a lot of respect. We need to get rid of the FBI, DHS, and CIA. FBI- Fidelity Bravery and Integrity, no more like Federalized Bureaucratic Incompetence- What they did to Mike Dick one of if not the most heroic federal agents this country has ever known is unconciable. He is in John Oneill Roger Carnabys league, that is why he was working the real Able Danger Investigation doing surveillance pre-9-11. Don't worry Mike you have a solid future once Gordon Duff becomes President.   

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