Saturday, July 11, 2015

Freaks And Cowards

We have been hijacked by rogue operatives. The entire criminal justice system in the state of Ct has been corrupted. Homicides are all jokes since these perverts have now made it impossible to adjudicate any future homicide cases. All because they had to find a way to cover up for their Sandy Hook Scam. No more FOIAs or appeals. In other words if you don't want a Kangaroo court then move out of Ct but where? I don't know Ct used to be a beautiful place to live. We live in an Agenda 21 theater of the absurd. I cant even watch Investigation and Discovery channel anymore because some of these reenactments have crisis actors that are as bad as Sandy Hook, until I see real forensic evidence then I don't buy that anything ever really happened anywhere at anytime. What other choice is there then when World News is the same exact thing but even worse? It looks like Dylan Roof slipped through the cracks on the FBI NCIS back round check. Make no mistake these people are terrorists and have no problem killing many real people and already have. The only real investigators that I know for certain that are trying to do something about this are not getting the support that they really need so just bring back the Salem Witch Trials. Wolfgang needs support because if SH goes down many others may go down as well. We are dealing with dangerous Lucifarian individuals that hide behind pernicious usury and counterfeiting currency operations. In their world its ok to terrorize the American People with hoax school shootings. Oh Yes the crisis actor from Aurora who goes into great detail about how she was eviscerated this is as twisted and sick as it can possibly get. I don't know what the future holds but it isn't looking pretty. If the real bad guys are the ones at the top then how does one investigate them? This is a major international Rico crime syndicate operating in the US. This means that the FBI should be investigating,  that is their job instead they are the actual perps themselves- how much more pathetic can you really get then this?

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