Saturday, April 21, 2018

Rush To Judgement

So are you possibly rushing to judgment by making an inference that McCabe acted like a coward? Yes, I will give him the benefit of the doubt for now, everybody deserves their day in court. Also he apparently made a comment that if he goes down he is taking everybody with him so maybe he is doing this for the greater good. Do you think he may be a good agent, what about driving a Porsche? If that is true that shows possibly a big ego, in my early 20s I drove A Porsche  and this is maybe one of the reasons why I couldn't cut it as a devil dog down in Quantico- What about Mueller he is not only a devil dog, he is a war hero, its hard to believe that he is a black hat. Dr P stated that he might be working with our Potus to take out all of the bad guys. What about Comey?
  Its hard to believe that he would make a comment on a radio show that Hillary would be a better Potus because of her dedication to the rule of law. And that he doesn't do weasel moves when it looks like he clearly leaked classified info? I know it is bad really bad, one can only shake their head in derision "with the queen of the cartels sordid past however she is dedicated to the rule of law." We are officially living in the Twilight Zone. These actors, musicians and wanna be comedians also don't give any legitimate reason for their animus toward our Potus. Thomas Paine stated that Brennan was working with the KGB and this is what led to the dirty dossier. So who was really in collusion with Russia and all of their democratic party propaganda?

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