Saturday, April 14, 2018

Lyin Comey

What do you think about Lyin Comey? I feel that Lyin Comey and Andrew McCabe should ride off into the sun sight in shame and embarrassment for their actions as the two head sheds of our nations premier law enforcement agency. At least it is supposed to be unfortunately it has been contaminated at the very top. Instead of book tours and sorry excuses these two should have willingly turned in their badge and their gun with their tail between their legs. Unfortunately they are political pundits and not real leos that's why they probably didn't even carry. I know, Comey is more then likely a gun grabber, how pathetic is that coming form the former head shed of the FBI. We are in some sorry times, who do you think was FBI Director during Sandy Hook? I am telling you this is really bad, the field office in New Haven is totally full of you know what.
  Imagine that we live in a world where the two former head sheds of the FBI were political pundits and gun grabbing zealots, how much worse can you get then that? How refreshing it is to have a President who Tweets out the truth, that is one of the only places we can get it. The problem is that when most people hear FBI warrant and raid they assume that the feds are the good guys and that the people getting served are supposed to be intimidated and even act guilty before being proven innocent. The feds especially the FBI have been getting away with this kind of thing since their inception and they  have always been a dysfunctional organization. They have been involved with every major false flag shooting, they are beyond corrupt just ask Jonathan Reich. If I was part of the rank and file I would be so happy to testify about what these higher ups have been involved with. Not only that the Office Of Special responsibility which is the FBIs IAB requested McCabe be fired. It wasn't political, he lacked candor just like Lyin Comey who leaked and perjured himself under oath.
  What else is on your mind. Lets see unlike Sgt Pepper where it was 20 years ago today it was 33 years ago today the last time I drank a beer. That was my sobriety date for many years. I am pretty sure it was the late Paul Newman's stash on my way to Hazels Den better known as Hazelden. 33 very interesting are you a Free Mason? I don't know I heard one has to watch out for Free Masons and Knights of Malta. The Black Pope as well the list is supposedly long and sinister. That is of course if you believe in superstitions and that evil is not an illusion. It all seems to be an illusion and its all a matter of how one views things.  In a world full of many blessings it is much better to believe that the world is a great place and that the people that do things that are unacceptable aren't evil they are just misguided that's all.
    What else- What do you think about our Potus pardoning Scooter Libby? It makes sense he was probably just the fall guy anyway, they all knew their was no WMDs way in advance. I don't think that was an illusion. We have to ask the soldiers how they feel about being lied to and manipulated, its all in a days work for the American War Machine. Things have to change, if you are going to declare war without giving congress consent the intel has to be verified and 100% legit. Unlike the Fisa warrant and just about everything else our elected officials have done thus far with our tax dollars. What about this Syrian war, is the intel legit and verified? We need to ask Thomas Paine and Dr Steve P. they aren't going to bs us like many others. Either way its not going to be a long drawn out campaign just a few precision based surgical strikes. The other issue is that these people are allowed to lie to us according to the Crime Line- In 1996 they passed a you are allowed to bs us clause. The American War Machine has always been able to get away with anything and everything they wanted to with total and complete impunity, especially the rogue zealots and higher ups at the FBI and DOJ. How pathetic is that we have war crimes and rogue zealots covering tracks for Uranium 1 and much more and it seems that our AG is only interested in  cracking down on weed and prostitutes.   

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