Friday, April 6, 2018

Spy School

So what are you grateful for this am? I am grateful for the air that we breath and for the ability to write without full censorship. I am also grateful for libraries because they are a vehicle for future advancement in the immaterial. What else? I am grateful for American Intel Media and their Anonymous Patriots. Thomas Paine stated that Obamas library was fueled with dirty money. Are you 100% certain American Intel Media is legit and they aren't partisan toward the Trump Train? Of course they are on the Trump Train because they stand behind the rule of law. How impressive it was to view a crime line dating back to 1993.
  This is when IBM Eclipse pilfered Leaders Tech Intellectual Property and used it for their own selfish gains. Stealing trade secrets, source code and intellectual property- A huge Antitrust case that never made it to the main stream news. An enormous legal battle where Michael Mckibbon spent more money on legal fees then he spent on start up costs for Leader Tech. Stealing intellectual property under the phony guise of National Security, it looks like the Patent attorney Leon Chandler needs to be placed under oath. Zucktown looks as if he is just a card board cut out who knows nothing about source code. It looks as if Silicon Valley hijacked Leader Techs brainchild and then proceeded to weaponize it against we the people. Electromagnetic frequencies that mess up peoples brains and not the good kind that people are supposed to have. And then illegal spying, in essence fb is nothing more then cia and nsa. Selling peoples profile information and having India mettle in the election with a marketing plan for the Corrupiticrats in the Democratic Party.
    Let me explain how easy it was for the powers that be and the men behind the curtain to recruit Mr Zucktown. (Spy School- Daniel Golden) "If somebody is a dork who calls people dumb f uckers for trusting him, is socially awkward and didn't even do that well in his Ivy League School he was easy prey. He was a typical lost opportunist in college with many students just like him that would have easily taken his place. Spy School- "Its easy for somebody trained in the art of manipulation to steer somebody in the direction that they were already inclined to go. Or help to convince them this is what they intended all along"( xv111 intro) We  have Transnational globalists who have infiltrated upper levels of academia, this is Hillary's FBI, The capital crownies who use intel agents to do their dirty work. China- how many Chinese do we have coming in who try to steal our ideas that are trained by our own intel community? Alex Jones states that the Clinton cronies have been in bed with the communist Chinese all along. Science and Technology Theft- Foreign Espionage at American Universities at least 300 Billion per year. 50-80% from China. The very openness of our American Universities makes us easy prey especially when we have Corrupiticrats at the top who help them do this  meaning our own fbi, cia and 17 intel agencies. Zucktown spying on Americans and then selling our profiles without consent and having Communist China steal our intellectual property. China wants to eat our lunch and take us all down. And then we have the Senior Executive Service who is helping them do this.
   Thomas Paine stated that the SES program got off the ground heavily during the Carter Administration and Spy School confirms this. One of the chapters is called The Chinese are Coming- This is when Carter started cozying up to massive student exchange programs. One just has to look at the ethnicities that dominate our best schools. Chinese, India, and then our own intel apparatus recruits Zucktown to try to make us all brain dead while spying on us and then selling our personal profiles content without our consent.

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