Wednesday, April 18, 2018

New Guttenberg Press

There is nothing better then yesterdays news especially when the information is legit and verified. What's even better is todays news that we can read about today. The New Guttenberg Press- Dr Preston James published by Moon Rock Books- We can read about how relevant the internet has been in uncovering various issues. The reason why yesterdays news is so relevant today is because there is a plethora of information that isn't being covered anywhere except by a few select individuals. Lets take at look at (The Big Autism Cover Up by Anne Dachel)
   Andrew Wakefield a dedicated doctor was interviewed by two establishment puppets, one of them has since been fired. They kept interrupting and discrediting his relevant findings. One would think the main stream media wouldn't have professional obstructer's with a bias agenda however the evidence seems to suggest otherwise. Bernie Goldberg Bias- The people working at these various news outlets are paid to cover things up. What are they trying to cover up? Cooper cited British Medical Journal that labeled Wakefield an elaborate fraud. One alleged impartial investigative reporter named Deer backed Coopers stance. What if Deer was being funded by British Big Pharma crime syndicates? "The media is supposed to be the voice of the people-"pp 33. Network news is officially in the sewer, instead of unverified and salacious they are talking about pee gate prostitutes and porn stars. "Cooper reminiscent of a tabloid reporter"pp51- Instead of chem trails and con jobs they talk about strip club feature Stormy, this is not acceptable but its now officially over for them. Comeys taint team book,  Our Feds have hit a new all time low and big changes are finally  on the horizon. Alex Jones is a HEB (highly evolved being) because real men shed tears. Infowars has been covering just about every major corruption story with verified intel since before we were even hit on 9-11. Infowars- Real investigative journalism with stories that are so egregious and powerful they are almost hard to believe that is until we realize that they are all true. I have come to realize why other investigative journalists have said bad things about Jones- That is because he is the real deal and if you are on the front lines and the tip of the spear you are always going to have the competition try to take you down.
   "When history eventually tells the whole story, it will undoubtedly rank as one of the biggest health and news media scandals of our time-" Sharyl Attkison- in reference to vaccine side effects including Autism links- She wrote Stonewalled- The rogue operatives in the Obama administration and possibly others exfiltrated data from her computer and had her surveilled.  Capital cover up cronies and pathetic hack jobs. Rogue criminal elements with illegal cartels and off shore criminal transnational affiliations and corporate interests need to keep their greedy paws off of real investigative journalists. These rogue operatives have gone above and beyond the pale of what is acceptable and now they are going to be finally exposed in the national spotlight for all to witness.   

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