Friday, April 13, 2018

Sign Of The Times

So what are you grateful for this am? I am grateful for the air that we breath and for living in the land of the free and home of the brave. What do you think about Luke Harding's book (Collusion Dirty money, secret dealings how Russia helped our Potus win?) I was very interested in delving into it and then I read that there was no smoking gun. I don't begrudge a man for trying to make a few dollars by selling a book based on pure hypotheticals.
  That is the one thing that is positive about our country right now at least they aren't making up smoking gun crimes or trying to plant and even planting evidence like they have many times in the past. That is why their is still a lot of hope left. Dr P stated that Mueller and Rosenstein need to be fired and it should have been done a long time ago. Alan Dershowiz said that one must look at having a right to something or doing something that is right that is an interesting analogy. I have empathy for people that work at CNN and MSNBC because I am sure many of them don't respect themselves for not being allowed to be a real investigative journalist. We have one real journalist in the main stream news and that is Hannity, he is on fire and is going all the way. Just think about how many people would love to land a coveted job at CNN or MSNBC national news and an international spotlight,  I am certain the applicant list is off the chart. Considering how much competition there is how would anybody say no to a job description that is nothing more then tabloid rag yellow journalism and pure propaganda. Does anybody really care about their radical leftist faux liberal political ideology, we want the facts and nothing more. Hannity is the only real gum shoe out there and he is doing a great job. The other thing that is a sign of the times is that many of these people are not their true authentic selves, they are paid political pundits who are completely different people behind the scenes. Actors, Operation Mockingbird and sell outs but this is understandable considering how much money is at stake. Lets take a look at Oreilly, he had a ghost writer stand behind the Warren Commission. Seriously how many books were written about JFK about his personal life and the so called real inside story geopolitically, everything except the most important issue, what really happened during the crime of that century. So what does that really say, we have a lot of fluff writers like this Collusion book that will never get anywhere with the hearts and minds of we the people.
   Two programs are  going to take the entire house of cards down (Hannity/Judge Jeanine,) it is not a question of if but rather when. Of course there are many people in the alternative media Alex Jones Infowars and American Intel Media that have been on the front lines for far longer then most that is for sure. What do you think about the Sober Home operator that was arrested on federal charges as well as state? Not only was he ripping off the insurance companies with bogus samples he was robbing sober homes where the clients actually lived? That is a sign of the times, opportunists that are more then likely drug addicts themselves. There is a fine line between being a criminal and a drug addict. You can be clean but still act like an inveterate drug addict, I know this from first hand experience. Sobriety is the name of the game and its about progress not perfection. I believe that a Smart Recovery program would help the recidivism rate for prison inmates. Locking people up and throwing away the key never worked and it never will. Unless people really change on the inside they won't have a chance on the outside. It comes down to ones thinking and how they relate to the world-  cbt, dbt rebt and everything else in between.
  What do you think about aim4truths articles about Vanguard and Bain Capital being a criminal enterprise and Mitt Romney being a corrupt Bush son? Our Potus recently signed an executive order which will enable the real crime fighters of the FBI to go after them. Off shore money laundering of drug money, some people deserve to have the key thrown away on them. An EO which will  corner crimes committed all across our plane how refreshing is that.

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