Monday, April 9, 2018

The Placebo Effect

What do you think about the New York Times article- (The Murky Perils of Quitting Antidepressants After Years Of Use?) I am somewhat impressed and relieved that the print media is starting to tell the truth based on all of the relevant facts. The article clearly demonstrated  how dangerous it is to withdraw from anti depressant medication. Nausea, brain zaps, it didn't mention suicide and homicide ideation however that is a big one. (Dr Allen Frances a Professor emeritus Duke Univ) "Usually there's improvement, and often it's based on the passage of time or placebo effect"pp17. He was referring to patients that are first put on these antidepressants. Most people are put on these drugs without clear symptoms of clinical depression.
  We have a tremendous problem right now as far as Big Pharma is concerned. Negligent, greedy and unscrupulous doctors who have their hooks so deeply  entrenched in the medical community. What they are doing in the drug rehabilitation community is also a crime of epic proportions. The drug lines at some of these drug rehab facilities are off the chart. RN's that write scripts in many cases without a real doctor MD that ever sees the client. I prefer to use the term client rather then patient. Patient is a pejorative term that is giving these white coats way too much power. Advanced degrees and board certified, most of the clients never should have been on these medications to begin with. Dr Kelly Brogran is triple board certified and she lays out the clear and present danger. I know first hand what these drugs do to people. It completely disturbs the brains homeostasis, we were never meant to be on these kind of drugs even short term. Addicts who have drug seeking behavior to begin with, Seroquel, Gabapentin, the list is long and deleterious. Seroquel is an elephant tranquilizer why would a RN or doctor prescribe this to somebody especially a child off label? They cause severe withdrawal symptoms and put people in catatonic states. These people are aiding and abetting in the massive recurrence rates and deaths od's of many young adults that are doing the Fla rehab shuffle. Getting off of these drugs as clearly demonstrated in the Times article is in many cases just as serious as trying to get off narcotic medication. If one combines this with all of the lawsuits of families who's loved ones acted out in aberrant behavior patterns and committed suicide either on these meds are once off them one can see the writing on the wall.
   They shouldn't be regulated they need to be completely abolished, they are nothing more then placebos that have done a lot more harm then good. It is truly amazing what kind of placebo effect these sinister drugs have. If this is in conjunction with psychosomatic and subliminal messages that come from society in general that "maybe we have a brain disease or chemical imbalance and aren't quite right in the head" this creates a naked and afraid effect when one is either weaning off or abruptly ceasing  the medication. This effect is quite severe and when this is also combined with the real withdrawal effects that  take place the outcome is in many cases not a very positive one. Anxiety and depression are only symptoms in most cases created by epi genetic or environmental factors. Fraud vitiates everything, doctors and huge companies have been getting way too rich for far too long doing a lot more harm then good. If racketeering is so prevalent as demonstrated by Insys and many more companies just like it then what does one think the chances are of this going on across the board with the actual drugs themselves? I am certain that there will be many people that will swear under oath how Zoloft etc.. saved their miserable life but one must take into consideration the big picture or the placebo effect. If the doctors are either misinformed or they are in it for the buck and they take no prisoners what does this really say? It says a lot, they are either dumb and or are playing dumb and they are unscrupulous and greedy on top of all of this which makes it even worse.
    The big issue is that there is a double edge sword created by these mad scientists. If somebody wants to kill themselves or somebody else while on these meds they blame the meds or some form of negligence. If one is off of these drugs and have once been on them and have a history of psychiatric issues and then act out they say look see he/she should have been on their meds and that is why they went postal. That is why the solution to this conundrum is to get rid of all of these drugs all together. Humans have never had more symptoms of anxiety and depression and this is due to the mad scientists.

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