Wednesday, April 4, 2018

In It For The Buck- No Prisoners

Rod Rosenstein- DOJ (intentionally vague to mislead.) A few weeks ago I asked my gut if I trusted Alan Dershowitz and the answer was no. He had some good points however  it really doesn't matter if I trust him or not because the law is the law. He stated that what Hillary did before the election wasn't a crime is this really true? Basically what I believe he was saying was that what she did is definitely a crime for everybody else but just not for her. Its all about selective prosecution in the land of the unfree and home of the slaves. Destruction of evidence, mishandling of classified information, Exoneration before investigation this is dereliction of duty. How can you write an exoneration letter before an official investigation ever took place? This is called not doing your job, many more people need to be fired and to be placed under oath. The hypocritical faux liberal Democrats are all about laws and rules for everybody else just not for them. The Dreamers need to keep Dreaming while we secure our borders and build a wall. As it stands now we have a Banana Republic because of these globalists that we have had in the preceding administrations. We have an out of control opiate epidemic with 65k people dying each year so why would or should we have open borders? People are ok with dope and gangs coming in from all different angles? MAT medication assisted therapy is not the answer either.
  Here is what the problem is. There was/is never anything wrong with us. We don't need meds to mess up our brains homeostasis even more. This is just a continuation of an addiction. How many years did we have methadone clinics? It all started with the Harrison Narcotics Tax act in 1914 in essence which created another opiate epidemic many years later.. 2 plus 2 doesn't equal 5. Money grubbers now get kickbacks from Congress and Big Pharma for massive Suboxone clinics which in reality do more harm then good. They just opened up JFK hospital for a massive drug maintenance  program, these clinics are going to start to open up all over the place now. If one is a hard core dope addict then Suboxone for a couple of weeks tops. The first question needs to be so when do you plan on getting off of all meds? If society is placing subliminal messages that there is something inherently wrong with us then the answer may be never, especially when we have drug seeking behavior to begin with. How is this helping somebody to feel good about themselves and their future as far as empowerment and sobriety is concerned? Do we know more then the doctors, the answer is self evident. The doctors who advocate long term MAT are either misinformed or are in it for the buck and they take no prisoners. They are trying to say that one cant get high off of Suboxone, these people don't do a dam thing except lie. Suboxone is a major player as far as people dealing and getting high, just like Methadone is/was. Once they get it from the med clinics, it is also coming into jails and prisons illegally and unregulated all over the place. This is what drug addicts/dealers seek if they cant get real dope. If  addicts don't mind still being a slave to the man and the state while others  get rich off of their misery while perpetuating their addiction then more power to them 

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