Thursday, April 5, 2018

Rule Of Law

Joe di Genova called Rod Rosenstein a coward, a disgrace and a shameful embarrassment. An abomination along with Robert Mueller's witch hunt where so far they were only able to sentence a lawyer to 30 days. di Genova stated that they may be trying to set up Pres Trump with a perjury trap and Alan Dershowitz agreed with di Genova. It is a really bad sign when people that know what they are talking about use this kind of verbiage. What does this mean? It means that they have substance to back them up. Why do we have a Deputy Attorney General that is a coward and an embarrassment? We have many brave military personal and first responders that have the highest amount of integrity and courage however we have a Deputy Attorney General that appears to be a shameful embarrassment. I don't feel good about this because when we lose faith and trust in sworn elected officials this is not a sign of upward progress. Our Attorney Generals haven't lived up to our standards to say the least. The Holder/Obama era was an abomination. Loretta Lynch who calls major crimes "just a matter" We need to find a way to get rid off all shameful embarrassments to our constitutional Republic. Political Pundits with an agenda who have done absolutely nothing except make a mockery of our criminal justice system. The same system that they expect everybody else to abide by while they make up their own rules along the way.
   Congress should start to listen to people who know what they are talking about. Jason Chaeffetz 10 things Congress should do but wont. Why not they work for all of us so why wont they?  These political pundits and self aggrandizers need to start listening to we the people. We have one news network Fox that is doing a great job and this has nothing to do with being slanted to the right. Republican means abiding by our constitutional Republic and abiding by the rule of law.                        I don't trust Larry Nichols with my money nor my life but do I consider him a trusted source? I consider Alex Jones to be a trusted source. Nichols stated that our former Presidential candidate was a hard core member of the communist party in the 70's. Where would we be if these Stasi zealots along with Sean Brennan were successful with their coup de tet? Brennan- Muslim Brotherhood. I like Kevin O'Leary now because he tells the truth and doesn't sugarcoat. He says that capitalism is light and socialism is dark. He says that his fellow shark tank mates should burn in hell for not telling the brutal truth to the aspiring entrepreneurs.
  How are they helping these people if they don't tell them the truth? Everybody wants to hit home runs but how many people actually have the talent? The Sharks need to make money, it seems that O'Leary is the only one telling them that their idea and business plan really sucks. That is why O'Leary said- "Tears by you nothing. At the end of the day the market is a brutal place. Nobody gives a f about your dog. In todays global economic climate you are competing against people in Mumbai and Shanghai who want to eat your lunch"  

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