Tuesday, April 10, 2018

White Hats With Wings

So you are getting your intel from super spooks with super natural powers? Are they able to leap tall buildings in a single bound? Yes and much more. The word spook is a pejorative term, that needs to be replaced with white hats with wings. Who are you referring to? The spiritual beings that have a glass bead game that  helps people feel at peace and ease while we learn about serious geo political events. That would be Thomas Paine and Betsy Ross at American Intel Media.
  I find it interesting how the DOJ cant respond to a subpoena requesting two simple pages of unredacted documents but can immediately come out with some bogus warrant that has the FBI raid Potus Trumps personal lawyers office. Invasion of privacy, this is a total and complete insult to the criminal justice system. What are they going to try to find with Stormy Daniels what a waste of time. It makes them all look like rank amateurs that should be mocked and ridiculed for their low level dirty tactics. The FBI and special counsels in general should be going after real bad guys, our Potus and his associates are not included in this. It is really embarrassing for them, witch hunts with a bogus and contaminated investigation. As time moves on I feel more comfortable stating this. It took ten years for the DOJ to respond to Holders Fast and Furious fiasco conveniently just past the statute of limitations, this cant be the case for the latest request. The FBI responded to Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch stating that it is going to take 3 years to provide communication requests between the two love birds that had an agenda with an insurance policy how ridiculous is that, not acceptable. What did Thomas Paine state about Syria? He said that it was the greater Israel Project bankers, warlords false flags the usual. He along with Betsy stated that the Queen is not really our friend and that we should pray that Bibi goes to jail. Judge Jeanine along with Mark Meadows stated that Rod Rosenstein should get impeached. Thomas stated that our AG is corrupt and was involved with covering some tracks for the Uranium 1 scandal as well. I trust Devin Nunes, he had a very solid recent interview with Laura Ingraham about the current state of affairs.
    Deputy AG Rosenstein needs to be held in contempt with intent to impeach pure and simple. Christopher Wray FBI needs to be held in contempt according to Joe di Genova. The Trump Train must go scorched earth now because the rogue special counsel are going above and beyond their original mandate. The entire investigation/ mandate is in question because of the two page document that is being stonewalled by the DOJ to prove how and why the investigation was initially opened up. A two tier justice system that uses manipulation and weaponized intelligence, propaganda. Also a 42 year old former Sheriff Deputy who questioned the agenda of the gun grabbers in Broward County was found dead under mysterious circumstances. I saw a recent picture of him, of perfect health both mentally and physically.

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