Tuesday, April 10, 2018

How The World Works

Is the anti depressant situation as serious as you are making it out to be? Its time to snap out of your coma and look at the big picture. Their is no empirical proof that these meds ever worked because they are placebos with no track record of clinical efficacy. That is a huge statement right there so when one ads in that there is plenty of scientific evidence to back what these drugs do to people when trying to get off of them this should answer the question. Dr Tom Stockman a psychiatrist from east London didn't fully believe how horrific it was until he went through it himself. Micro tapering months and months of pure agony, this from a man that was supposed to have all of the answers for his own clients.
  There is no training program or large funded studies to help anybody deal with this conundrum of epic proportions. It is wrecking such havoc in peoples lives that many doctors just keep the client on these meds interminably because they know the perils involved. The other issue becomes mix and matching other drugs to counter the effect of the initial drug that people should have never have been on in the first place. Brain zaps, nausea dizziness confusion, high recurrence rates of narcotic medication, does this sound like these drugs are actually helping people? We are creating a zombie nation and big pharma is one of the major perpetrators. So let me get this straight these drugs don't work and they never worked because they are placebos that make people feel better sometimes psychologically (the power of the mind) while they are  irrevocably ruining tens of millions of people that try to  wean off or cease altogether. Many think about suicide and act out in aberrant ways that are completely out of character while they proceed  to  turn into catatonic vegetables? That about sums it up now you are catching on to how the world really works.
  Narcotic meds like Xanax and Adavan are causing long term brain damage, to successfully taper off of these drugs once on them for an extended period of time can take years. This is another epidemic that is being sidetracked by the opiate situation. I saw enough interviews with people to know the truth of it and when this is combined with my own personal experience big changes need to be made. These huge companies have zero liability and this needs to end. Humans natural state of homeostasis was never meant to be messed with like it has.

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