Thursday, April 12, 2018

FBI DOJ Witch Hunt

Mueller's special counsel are using low level mission creep tactics that are not acceptable for we the people. Banana Republic witch hunts where they are into slow walking documents. Joe di Genova stated on Hannity that the grand jury are using terrorist tactics- (in terrorem-) in an attempt to intimidate. The Trump Train doesn't get intimidated however violating the attorney client privilege and raids and break ins by the FBI is going above and beyond the pale. The entire investigation is a charade and we should be upset because they are wasting so much time and effort on it. Stormy Daniels and Access Hollywood- confidential information is none of the FBIs business especially since their entire investigation is contaminated to begin with. They aren't setting a good example, and Comey's book is supposed to go in the fiction category not non fiction according to Greg Jarrett. Weaponize DOJ and FBI, they should comply with what many people are saying which is turn over requested documents and stop wasting time. The Trump Train must continue on with its scorched earth policy- The only way to get documents is to threaten impeachment and contempt charges. Why don't they do their job and stop wasting time on ridiculous witch hunts, this is a total and complete abuse of power. President Trump is who we elected and we don't like it when rogue zealots that have already violated multiple felony statutes are trying to take him down and make his life and lawyers life more difficult.

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