Monday, April 9, 2018

Follow The Smoking Guns

After reading the latest CNN  article about gloom and doom for our Potus as well as what Dan Rather had to say in his interview its seems tough not to get sidetracked. What did Rather have to say? He compared nationalism and patriotism and basically had some viewpoints that we never had a President state that the press is the enemy of we the people. We have a President that is telling us the truth for the first time maybe ever, how refreshing is that. Establishment press, dinosaurs like Rather cant even acknowledge what is being said. That is how he will be remembered. Reading off a teleprompter while towing the party line. A real investigative journalist holds nothing back and goes all out without fear of reprisal or repudiation. These old school establishment  republicans and democrats aren't going to last that long. There is an old saying "follow the smoking guns" What does that mean? Look where there is evidence of crimes that were committed that should tell us everything that we need to know.
   What do you think about the Fentanyl Scandal?  I give The Palm Beach Post a lot of credit for their exhaustive investigative reporting teams. Its really bad, racketeering corruption, this is one of the biggest cases yet. Titanic greed, corporate greed speaking doctor whores, this is a perfect example of what Big Pharma corruption is all about. A drug that was meant only for breakthrough cancer pain that was being prescribed off label in a way that is so unscrupulous it would make most peoples head spin. It is not a surprise for me, boiler rooms where they set up telemarketers that lie to insurance companies about patients that are supposed to have cancer not to mention contributing to the massive opiate epidemic. This is a tremendous scandal and this is only one company Insys. This is the damage that one company has created can one imagine what the entire industry has created collectively? This one company has wrecked this  much havoc with massive payoffs and corruption on such deep levels this is what they all stand for. People need to get indicted and sentenced its that simple. People already have but only the smaller fries. Not enough people get involved and that is why they are able to lawyer up and slither away. Now this company is in the business of synthetic weed when they should have been closed down and sentenced to prison years ago. If one company is involved with this much racketeering how much do you think the industry in general creates? Boiler room sleaze ball tactics and playing with peoples lives. The name of the racketeering game was to continually up the dosage of the most potent opiate out there where the sales reps were strippers and Publix cashiers. They even coined the slogan "Start them high and hope they don't die"

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