Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Rogue FBI And DOJ

So what do you think about the WSJ op-ed yesterday about the new Feltian fraud Andrew McCabe? The Deputy FBI  director who appeared to be a poor excuse for a second in command FBI head shed? Its really bad, we have an AG who stands down and recuses himself for an investigation and possible prosecution that he was chosen to lead with. Recusals and stand down orders from our highest public officials, we have definitely hit an all time low. Why did Sessions recuse himself? I don't know maybe because he is not a real AG, that should be self explanatory. Our Potus never would have went along with the recommendation if he knew that he would recuse himself and show weakness as soon as he took over. This is what lead to many of their shenigans, a deep state web of subterfuge and deceit that we are now just hitting the tip of the iceberg with. There will be a treasure trove of more intel forthcoming much sooner rather then later.
   So what is McCabe's problem? He thought that it was the decent thing to do by leaking info to the press and then blaming other FBI agents for it. This way he could control the investigation very much like Matt Damon's sociopathic character in The Departed. Damon was the biggest slime ball of all time, he had no remorse when Captain Queenan was thrown off of the roof. I am telling you these feds are dirty and they are going to go down. Berating other agents in the Washington(told office head in DC to get his house in order) and NY field offices for the leak that he was responsible for what an arrogant and pathetic excuse for a fed especially for the second highest ranking member at the FBI. What else did he do? Lets see he authorized the leak to the WSJ and then denied it, what makes this even worse is how he wanted to be portrayed. What do you mean? He thought it would reflect positively on him if he were viewed as a fearless G-man who pushed back on investigating the Clinton Crime families money laundering operation during the election. Do you mean to tell me he was acting like that would be a badge of honor, how would have you handled it? If their was a leak it definitely wouldn't have been me that authorized it however I would proceed to make a public statement "We at the FBI are investigating and doing our job and have been all along, before during and will continue to do this long after the election because nobody is above the law especially Presidential candidates". Stand downs and partisan cowardice, all of our real FBI agents are embarrassed and humiliated by Comey and McCabe's actions.
  Comey and McCabe were completely compromised, in bed with the Clinton crime family. Their was another FBI director named Sessions during Bill Clintons tenure as Potus who got pushed around by his wife. It appears Comey was in that same category, was so excited to see Hillary win with his wife joining in on the bandwagon. There is no shame in expressing your opinion and it doesn't matter who one wanted to win however you cant interfere and try to influence the outcome of a Presidential election at every level especially when you are working at the FBI at the highest ranking positions.  Having candor and telling our Potus that the dirty dossier was nothing but dirt bought and paid for by his mentor the Queen of the democratic cartel would have been helpful. Do you think the FISA judge would have signed off on the warrant if he/she knew the info was unverified and was nothing more then bogus tabloid garbage created by a rogue private intel firm? If they weren't compromised themselves the Fisa judge would have thrown these dirty feds out of their office and then opened up his/her own investigation by reporting the info through their chain of command. The only problem is that when everybody is dirty who does one report that kind of thing to? The FBI and DOJ corrupt at the highest levels, the ones responsible for investigations are the criminals themselves who need to be investigated immediately  by a (SSC- Second Special Counsel.) These dirty feds need to be exposed, what they did is one of if not the biggest abuses of power in the history of our country.  

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