Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Outside Confines Of The Swamp

What do you think of the appointment of John Huber to investigate lawmakers complaints at the DOJ and FBI? Also what is your feedback on the op-ed article in the WSJ about how special counsels are a bad idea that plague American political life and that it is a dreadful idea? Lets put it this way when they are politicized and when they are witch hunts they are a dreadful idea. Why are we talking about politics when we should be talking about violating felony statutes and criminal acts conducted by the highest ranking members of the FBI where most other people would have been handcuffed a long time ago. A Second Special Counsel is needed especially in this particular case. We are tired of this we need justice. William Binny had a weapon pointed directly at his head by the FBI, what did he do wrong expose illegal corruption ie- spying?  He was humiliated in his own home by these Stasi zealots, the secret police who have been operating way above the law for way too long now. Special Counsels are a waste of time and an embarrassment when they are conducted by Mueller and company because they never had a legitimate basis to convene. What a waste of time and tax payers money and then he has a pit-bull Andrew Weissmann to try to dig up dirt and ruin people like they did to General Flynn and Paul Manafort. Illegal Unmasking of American citizens- threats, felony leaks to the press and then lying under oath. Arrogance, hubris above the law Waffen SS Senior Executive Service Members- Out of control public officials- We need an independent Second Special Counsel immediately that is conducted outside of the confines of the swamps of DC its that simple. We know what Comey and McCabe did- Greg Jarett listed many felony statutes that were violated and the WSJ plays dumb about it all. According to American Intel Media- Huber is part of the SES- Sessions doesn't have my trust. Our Potus needs to take direct action on this. Exoneration before investigation, FISA warrants that were obtained under false and fraudulent pretense. Conflict of interest employees working at the FBI seemingly in a sexual relationship attempting to cozy up to the FISA judge. Instead of law enforcement officials working for what should be the best of the best we have pathetic and disgraceful political pundits with an agenda. Usurp power attempted coup de tet,  a direct assault and attempt to sabotage the electorate process. We have a former Presidential candidate who is still living in a delusional dream world. 
    Instead of accepting responsibility for why she wasn't elected she is still traumatized and still cant seem to figure it all out. They did the best they could to rig the election but that was never going to work. She cant relate to us so instead she finger points and blames, typical mentally unstable behavior. A class act would accept defeat humbly and gracefully without criticizing the heart and soul of America, the working class, the people who have been abused and robbed from by these political grandstanders that are into disaster capitalism, influence peddling and money laundering. Communism is never going to work in America, Sean Brennon, former head of the cia voted for a Communist for President. Its all about class warfare, they wanted peasants at the bottom while they continued to rape plunder and pillage the masses on a global scale. We now have many future generations of families that are grateful that we finally have a real President. He is one of us, he is going to pretty much guarantee a successful future. Real wealth, abundance and prosperity with the right people that are eventually going to end up behind bars. The economy is on fire right now and he is still just getting warmed up.    

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