Monday, April 2, 2018

American Heist

Show me the money, show me the corruption New York Times in reference to Potus Trump- Put up or shut up because this is getting ridiculous. Investigation witch hunts built from pernicious usury and fruit from the poisonous tree. Our role models in the criminal justice system seem to be the most corrupt of them all. Do you mean to tell me that the real scammers are the ones within the DOJ and The FBI? 
   That is how it looks, The Gang of 8 on the seventh floor and many more- Wafen SS and SES, career politicians who make the rules just to make money off of them. Like give me an example? Make believe that you are trying to clamp down on injustice and corruption even though you were the one that created it. Lets take a look at the Bail Bondsman accused of exploiting poor clients. Extortion- Racketeering, the king makers created a system where people were guaranteed to get caught up in the criminal justice system just so people could make money and exploit people in weak vulnerable positions. Isn't that the capitalist system? It would be much better to have a rich person that goes into politics as opposed to a person that goes into politics to get rich. The problem is I am talking about politics and the criminal justice system as if they were one in the same because they currently are and it shouldn't be this way. This is the biggest problem of all.
  What do you think about Dave Aronberg's pit-bull subordinate at the State Attorney's Office? What do you mean I have no idea? He was creating a Glen Gary Glen Ross type environment with the lawyers who are working serious felony cases. He was upping the pressure and apparently intimidating his subordinates. Chest puffed out the entire 9 yards. That isn't good because these lawyers are serious people who need positive reinforcement, they would much rather benefit from an interdependent how can I be of service to make your life easier as opposed to a pressure cooker environment. Is this pit-bull getting commission for volume is that what's it all about? I don't think so its state run but maybe  bonuses play a part. Ask them for feedback to make the world a better place and how one can help them with their strenuous caseloads. This would be  much more productive then a bait and switch road side high way used car sales store environment in the swamps of Jersey, not far from the dirty swamp of Washington DC. One is just guaranteed high turnover and disgruntled employees when one has horrible management which appears to be in most places. Many of these lawyers have enough talent to branch off on their own with their own private firm. That way they can be the pit-bull breathing down others peoples back. No, a good manager doesn't have high turnover its that simple. People are actually happy when they are treated like a human being, it has nothing to do with money in most cases.
    What do you think about the Owner Of Sham rehabs jailed? This degenerate from Boynton Beach bilking the insurance companies and getting kickbacks for referrals when people relapse? The industry needs to be cleaned up and it is slowly but surely. The press needs to stop writing slanted articles about our Potus inferring  how corrupt he is without any substantive evidence. This is a big can of worms that they are wittingly opening up. So far there is a plethora of felony statutes that were violated by officials at the highest levels of the DOJ and the FBI- Their house of cards needs to be exposed. The Heist- We have massive corruption by public officials and it all trickles down from the top. We have two former Potus's, Slick Willy repealed Sarbanes Oxley in 1999 to open up a legal gambling casino on Wall street. Then we have Obama who repealed Smith- Mundt to enforce the NDAA Act of 2012 to seemingly make false flag school shootings and propaganda legal. These are people making bucket loads of cash off of laws that they purposely repealed. Can they be charged under RICO? If it is legal how can Obama be charged under Rico? The FBI is so corrupt, they plan all of these fraudulent scams and have the press go along with it. We have a Potus that is trying to straighten things out, that is why they are still trying to bury him.   

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