Friday, April 20, 2018

State Of The Nation So McCabe received a criminal referral from the IG a separate one from the recommendations from congress? Yes his lawyers stated that the standard for criminal referral was very low and that their would need to be a lot of pressure from the higher ups in the administration in order for this to turn into an indictment. However the referral came from the IG Inspector General, independent from the administration. So let me get this straight McCabe authorized a leak  to the WSJ that portrayed him as standing down from the Clinton Foundation investigation during the election, something that should have been just the opposite as the Deputy FBI Director. And then he proceeds to lie and blame other agents in the NY and Washington field offices for the leak that he authorized so he could then control the investigation. In essence he wanted to be portrayed as a coward in the public arena and then confirmed that he is one by lying about it. It is a sad state of affairs, our former FBI Director is the biggest joke of all time. What do you mean elaborate? He sounded incredulous and somewhat surprised when asked by a radio talk show host that it would appear that what the queen of the cartel did can be viewed as obstruction of justice. Not only does it appear to be obstruction of justice it also destruction of evidence? Her e-mails were under a congressional subpoena. His response was so weak and pathetic, this coming from the man who ran the entire Bureau. This is really bad-
  Does Comey even care that he is embarrassing himself and his other former fellow agents by acting with such nonchalance and hubris? I am telling you these secular progressives within the democratic party seem to live in their own dream world. The FBI and DOJ are political operatives and capital cronies and nothing more. They know every legal loophole and can string you along for years just by their legal wrangling alone. Not to mention threats both direct and indirect, this coming from people that are fundamental cowards. Anything or anything that threatens their game plan of dirty money and campaign contributions, they couldn't give two you know what's about the next generation. A lost generation with people dying all over the place from heroin overdoses, as long as they can keep up appearances and their pockets greased that is what matters and that is the name of the game. Lets look at Tony Podesta- Podesta Group- DC power couple- "calamitous collapse propelled by unexpected blows delivered by fate and made worse by hubris" WSJ 4-19 cover story- So if the DOJ is compromised as well how do we know that this isn't all smoke and mirrors meaning the latest criminal referral by Horrowitz?
   The difference is that this is being mentioned on international news, Sean Hannity what a breath of fresh air he is as well as his dedicated guests.  Some print media outlets like the WSJ are coming around as well. This means that the Justice Dept is going to be forced to do their job as much as they would rather keep the gravy train moving along. The Deputy AG Rosenstein is usurping the power of our AG according to Mark Levin, this is totally unacceptable. "If lies were music Comey would be Beethoven- Matt Gaetz" So why did Hillary need a secret server? That is obvious- Her capital cronies don't do a dam thing for national security. They use back door shady deals to grease their own pockets and they do this all over the world. All of the proceeds go into many peoples shell companies and then straight into the foundation. They are into disaster capitalism and ruining nations with chaos and destabilization just like they did to Iraq,  Afghanistan, Libya Syria, they want to get rid of Iran next- The destruction of 5 countries and make boatloads of money in however long it takes plan. Destroying nations and destroying servers these people don't do a f ing thing except destroy steal and lie.

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