Saturday, April 7, 2018

New Strategy On Drug Epidemic

(What do you think about The Dark Side Of Enlightenment, ie-op ed WSJ) It was alot to absorb, some of these writers are extremely smart, ie-knowledgeable about history and Mr Hazony is one of them. History is open for interpretation anyway right? Lets take a look at the most important political truth of this generation- You cant have both Enlightenment and skepticism. You have to choose. I say why choose we all have free will, the 5 th agreement is Be Skeptical but learn to listen. The problem we have is all of these divide and conquer tactics. I have learned a great deal from more then one HEB. The basic premise is that we are all united as one in a universal and divine creative intelligence and the new age of enlightenment is proving this. We now have Scientific evidence of some very amazing things and Philosophy is a part of all of this. Merging science, technology philosophy, spirituality, geopolitical viewpoints all into one is what the new age of enlightenment is all about. It works, our old age of enlightenment didn't work because it was about divide and conquer choose sides I am right you are wrong etc..
  We now know that evolution doesn't hold up under critical scrutiny and neither does survival of the fittest. This is what has caused all of our wars, death and destruction, misery poverty ad infinitum. That is why charging exorbitant rates for a rare commodity in our capitalist society doesn't hold weight either in a society with HEB. That means that the pit on wall street and our cut throat oligarchs don't fit that well either into a pure evolution of consciousness environment. People are happiest in a communal setting leading simple lives in the immaterial and this is where the new age of enlightenment is taking us. You had some harsh words for Sean Brennan and Hillary's propensity for communism does that mean that you are a hypocrite? You have communist views for humanity? No I am still a capitalist at heart, besides their view on communism is not beneficial to society. Communism in their form is completely backward because they are backward. People that are millionaires many times over that are trying to increase their net worth by creating major constitutional crimes while trying to make other people slaves of the system Cloward and Piven style. This never worked and it never will. How many people did these primitive communist regimes murder with genocide. A Utopian society  has the best of both worlds where there is no lack and nobody ever gets killed, this means that war in its present form must get abolished because that is primitive. It can happen much sooner then 30 years, it can happen today. That means world wide nuclear disarmament and a peaceful world, can this really be a reality? Yes but we have many high crimes and misdemeanors that need to get adjudicated first.
    Is it true that Sessions supported state legislation seeking to punish a second drug trafficking conviction including weed with a mandatory minimum death sentence as Alabama's AG? I  don't know why don't we ask Snopes George Soros Color Revolution of bs and hypocrisy. If this is true then that is really backward and primitive. Are you serious, sentencing people to harsh sentences for drugs that these criminals are bringing in. How much money are they making off of rogue cia drug runs and then shares in private and public prison systems? They are in it for the buck, they know very little about rehabilitation otherwise they wouldn't be abiding by draconian incarceration programs. People don't thrive in those environment's, these cia frauds have ruined countless generation's of families with their money making schemes. All under the phony guise of just say no and get tough on drugs. People aren't that dumb anymore so they better start with another strategy because what they are doing now isn't working.

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