Tuesday, May 1, 2018

The Artists Way

(The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. CG Jung) When one is on the Teams and things go sideways warriors need to find a place where they feel most comfortable, as a frogman sometimes this is the water. I learned that from the Warrior Elite- Actually they feel most comfortable in the air land or sea it doesn't really matter because they will excel and reign supreme. When one is an artist we  sometimes find a place where one can find solace and that is with ones higher or authentic self. Whether one is a rock star, tap dancer or a cat burglar the end results are the same- a yearning to get to our highest or true self. Julia Cameron explains how we may need to do this with (morning pages.) This is a constant stream of flow of consciousness.
   What do you think about the comedian over the weekend that said horrible things? These democratic operatives are vile and repugnant. This woman was disturbing, glamorizing abortion and hurling insults at Sarah Huckabee Sanders and many more people. They are beyond pathetic, this wasn't a light hearted roast, this was a direct attempt to try to humiliate and embarrass certain members of the Trump Train. Not only was this woman not even close to being humorous she was repulsive looking and acting. They are scraping new lows, I can see why their are so many problems in our world, they have people like this in front of the podium. Is it true that Slick Willy signed an executive order in 99 to give the green light to do experimental vaccinations on our troops specifically the Anthrax shot? And now 35,000 soldiers have past away as a direct result of this? What about the chemical weapons and (depleted uranium DU) they exposed our troops to in Gulf War 1 and Gulf War Syndrome, people need to go to prison much sooner rather then later. If Slick Willy signed an executive order in the name of national security there is not a dam thing we can do about it how about that? This is the way these people operate, protected entities, untouchable, two tier justice system conducting criminality way above the law with complete impunity, it wont be that way for that much longer just wait and see.
   Why would these unscrupulous lowlifes and degenerates do experimental immunization programs and play games with our troops? If they want to play games and treat our soldiers as guinea pigs they are going to pay the consequences much sooner rather then later. What about these criminals and con jobs that are covering up the links between Autism and the MMR shot? Charles Grassley stated that there were suspicious ties between the drug industry ie- (big pharma) and the APA. Of course their is, why  do you think there are so many fraudulent diagnosis and drugs that are dispensed. Do you think that its a good idea to roll out 5G to generate tens of billions of dollars worth of revenue, a game changer? This is the way the transnational globalists work, they have columnists like Paul Krugman writing articles that our Potus is all about protecting the billionaires, neglecting the poor while only making more meanwhile these illegal monopolies and crime syndicates are the ones that are really doing this. They haven't even fully tested the effects of the irrevocable biological harm of  the other 3-4 g's so why not roll out more powerful emf frequencies to make certain our brains get more radioactive so we can become even more dead. Cancer, Opiate epidemic, gmos, playing games with our troops, people are going to go to prison much sooner rather then later.
   Our Potus is a capitalist but he is not protecting these crime syndicates and that is why he signed the executive order. He is going  to balance out the equation and create real wealth and abundance, something the Slick Willies and Clinton Foundations of this world don't have a clue about how to do. They are part of the problem, definitely not the solution and now there is smoking gun evidence of massive collusion within the democratic party. Phony dossiers, dirty and corrupt DOJ and FBI, slow walking investigations, there time is coming to an end. There is going to be no free pass for any Republican criminal as far as prosecutions are concerned for the people that are culpable for  democide capitalism, this is not a partisan issue. They just wanted to protect the gravy train on both sides and they knew that the only way to do this was to get the queen of the cartel elected by any and all means necessary.

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