Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Brain Warrior Way

What did you think about Daniel Amens MD book  Brain Warriors Way? It was good he seems legit, that means that the spect scan might be a useful tool after all. What do you mean by that? I thought the spect scan might be just another fraudulent scam that makes believes our brains look different in order to prescribe us more psychotropics. He is a psychiatrist and does not condone meds, infact he advocates getting off meds and using food for fuel instead. Let me put it to you this way if people really knew the scope of fraud that is involved within the APA and Big Pharma they would be shouting this on every roof top. The name of the game is to dumb us down and make us all docile so we are so confused with brain fog that we just go along with it all. These people have their dirty hooks into most short and long term rehabs, PHPs and detoxes but at least Brain Warrior showed us a different way. This coming from a psychiatrist, he is very smart and cares about his clients. Infact he is doing what the next generation of holistic PR actioners are doing or at least what they should be doing. What do you mean? It means that these crime syndicates have irrevocably caused harm to hundreds of thousands maybe even millions of clients brains homeostasis and it will take many months even years of management if ever to get people back to a  state of equilibrium and homeostasis. The UK psychiatrist in the NY Times article explained what his own symptoms were, many extended months of micro tapering just to feel somewhat normal again? If somebody has symptoms of depression and proceed to go on meds what is normal really supposed to feel like? Let me put it this way these meds are placebos that have no clinical efficacy and they do a lot more harm then good. The string pullers know this (chemical imbalance myth) and they know how difficult they are to get off of and they know dam well about the suicide and homicide ideation to boot. The next wave of holistic PR actioners will be holding peoples hands while they ween the clients off of their meds. It has been such a big threat to the cartel they have Arkansided close to 100 holistic doctors up until this point in time.
   Dr Amen describes what to do very well, brain food, diet and exercise the whole 9 yards. (The Supreme Art Of War is to subdue the enemy without fighting. Sun Tzu) Dr Amen is the future of the medical field, a direct threat to the medical establishment as well as the APA. Transpersonal psychology and holistic psychiatry, it is going to put a plethora of doctors on the unemployment line. What do you mean? It means that these psychiatrists go to all that extra school just to be able to prescribe meds when infact they never  needed to, it was a complete waste of time. All of these made up diagnosis, every symptom has a medical or mental disorder named after it. So people don't have to become shrinks in order to get a piece of the upcoming market? It is a dangerous game, close to 100 holistic docs, chiros have past away in very suspicious circumstances. Independent private investigators have confirmed this on at least one occasion that I know of.
   So let me get this straight many of these psychiatrists would rather do more harm then good even though they signed the Hippocratic Oath? Close to 100 doctors have died in more then mysterious circumstances what more needs to be said?

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