Friday, May 4, 2018

The New Age

So what is the breaking news story of the day, you must hit the bricks and find something, the pressure is on just like it was for Peter Parker and Clark Kent. There is a lot of pressure to sell newspapers and then go after the bad guys after hours with suit and cape. For starters news print media is dead, their stories are archaic and not as relevant as the New Guttenberg Press. The great thing about the web is that most people are not territorial and don't mind if you feed off of their intel. Infact this is what they encourage us to do considering as Hannity stated real journalism is dead.  Also (OSINT Open Source Intelligence) is the way of the future. One doesn't necessarily have to "break" a story in order to write about it especially when it comes to the New Guttenberg Press.
    Who do you admire as far as real investigative reporters and journalists? Lets see Alex Jones, Thomas Paine, Sarah Carter, Dr P, Hannity, Dr Preston James, Wolfgang, Fetzer, James Tracy, Eric Dubay, there are many more people I could list. I used to admire Gordon Duff but not so much anymore. Why is that? He appears to be partisan to the democratic agenda, for example why isn't there any mention of the multiple felonies the FBI seemingly committed as of late with their bogus collusion investigation. He writes about how when the Queen of the Cartel allegedly did a lot of dirty things the feds couldn't find anything, I find this hard to believe. Also I was watching Jones, he claims to be self made, I actually believe this. Jonas Alexis is a talented writer and  has good sources however I am not buying the anti Infowars campaign at VT, I used to but not anymore. I don't believe Jones is in bed with Bibi and company. A real journalist doesn't have a partisan political agenda.
   So what is the the latest? The latest is 5G and how smart phones, meters and the overall tech grid is dangerous to we the people. There are some very good stories still in print media, like the NY Times article about the hockey player who past away that had CTE. Violent games and head trauma, its all blood money. Dr Amen is able to do a SPect Scan to see if one has CTE. This is a serious issue that needs to be addressed in regard to all violent sports starting at a young age. The warrior code ethos needs to be thrown out of the window, that was yesterday, today their is a new age and brutality with repeated head trauma and concussions doesn't make one tough and shouldn't be part of the program.
   You stated that a real journalist doesn't have a partisan political agenda but it is obvious that Jones, Paine and Hannity admire our Potus and some would state they have a clear partisan agenda. Our Potus should have ran as an independent as part of the new Populist party. The real investigative journalists like our President personally but they also respect what he represents, a new renaissance and freedom for we the people. This is what makes it different from being in bed with either the democrats or  the republicans. He Tweets out the way we feel and I don't have any respect for the New York rags like the Daily News that made it appear that it was an injustice that he may be up for a Peace Prize for the way he handled North Korea. This movement many would say is the next American Revolution that has been talked about since the last one a few hundred years ago. When we have lawyers and politicians that are running the FBI/DOJ that is a huge problem.  FBI Agents shouldn't be lawyers and politicians, they need to be impartial investigators only that work for the people and nothing more. Our Feds have made a mockery of our entire criminal justice system and this needs to change.

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