Saturday, May 5, 2018

Magic Mushrooms And GMOs

We believe that nobody should have unfettered power, Judge Ellis tells it the way it us. Rogue zealots and secret police that send out (NSL National Security Letters) that intimidate and threaten  people by letting them know that they are going to jail if they tell anybody. No Knock warrants and conducting business way above ones mandate, welcome to 1984 in 2018, the DOJ/FBI.
 What do you  think about Cancer Linked weed killer that was found in every food tested except broccoli? Monsanto, using round up lets put it this way if this can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in a real court of law people will never get out of prison. There is too much circumstantial evidence about gmos, vaccines, chem trails the list goes on. People can continue to live in a world with rose colored glasses but this wont last much longer with the new era of transparency coming around the corner. Their may even be a miracle cure for many of societies ills. What does ego stand for? (edging god out-) This means god as we understand him, her, mother earth, collective conscious, universal divine and creative intelligence whatever it takes to get one out of self. If somebody asked me what I recommend for chronic smokers, drug  addicts and alcoholics the list goes on I would say magic mushrooms. Ibogaine is used for heroin addiction for a reason, it has been taking people to the fifth dimension and beyond.
  How many people do you know have had a complete psychic change or a profound mystical and or a vital spiritual experience? A few but we can use more. So why not take a magic carpet ride with (psychedelics-psilocybin) it appears to reboot and rewire the brain. The New Science Of Psychedelics WSJ and a new book coming out by Michael Pollan. These drugs can replace big pharmas placebos that in many cases do a lot more harm then good. Psychedelics may soon revolutionize the treatment of depression and anxiety, symptoms that many of us have by living in a three dimensional world. Essentially what these drugs can do is exactly what the spiritual mystics have been doing for thousands of years? The problem is that it is very difficult to transcend into these dimensions and beyond by self knowledge alone without a boost from the magic mushrooms. Basically sought through prayer and meditation to enhance ones conscious contact is fleeting a few and far between. That is why so few people are able to attain it, this is because the ego is very tough to put in the ashtray. These drugs seem to bring one to levels that take master spiritual gurus/elders many years to experience without the aide of a psychedelic.
   The recurrence/ lapse- relapse rates are  off the charts so this may well be the next wave of treatment. The only problem is that drugs like Ibogaine are not legal in the USA because of the drug companies, this needs to change. Smoking is one of if not the most addictive substances, psilocybin  has had more success then anything else. Will these treatments be considered a lapse or relapse if one is in recovery? If somebody never achieved a vital spiritual experience or a psychic change then they were never really in recovery to begin with. Living in a prison in between three dimensional binges of multiple rehabs, jails detoxes, (self knowledge the brain storm and the grouch) chronic smoking, restless irritable and discontent is not very pleasant. These drugs are not addictive, the rats only press the button once but appear to do this multiple times until death for many of the other highly addictive substances. The protocol would be to do this as few times as possible preferably only once. This sounds a lot better then 7 rehabs in between homeless shelters and heroin/fentanyl fixes.
  So how does it work? One trips and edges out the ego and then ones default mode network gets taken off line for a while. This leads to new pathways opening up in the brain, myriad new connections spring up that link up far flung areas that don't ordinarily talk to one another directly. Is this kind of like what Dr D wants us to do? Yes exactly, a scientific/pycho spiritual psychic union that unites the mind body and soul. Dr D has people do this with deep meditation and then unifies the quantum fields with out the aid of magic mushrooms however it is the same exact premise. Interdimensional beings and various levels of connection. Whether it be magic mushrooms or deep meditation or the combination of both this is definitely the future of recovery and quite possibly the savior for humanity itself. When everything and everyone is connected as one then the world becomes a much friendlier place. 

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