Saturday, May 12, 2018

War On We The People

What is on your mind this afternoon? Dr Leonard Horowitz waronwethepeople stated that their appears to be a lot of faux new age enlightened individuals who hide behind mindfulness and are afraid to deal with real world issues? In other words they don't have the guts to call a spade a spade and would rather focus on the ethereal and basically use this as a coping mechanism. I am not going to trust some faux pseudo  spiritual wanna be who will just give you the same spiel- pray on it and acceptance-
   That is how we are in this position to begin with letting the elites bulldoze us into submission. Those days are coming to an end much sooner rather then later. If we focus on the problem the problem increases but if we focus on the solution the solution increases. When it comes to spiritual entropy one must dig deep to get out of it, not an easy thing to do. I admire Horowitz, one of his associates is an investigative journalist and she definitely focusses on real world issues. Like what? Like the BP oil disaster and how Halliburton's Chain gang probably knew about this in advance. A clean up company was purchased right before, the same old story, put options as well, these people are more then predicable by now. Disaster capitalism- Hegelian dialectic destroying the waters and natural wildlife with catastrophic oil explosions, these people are more then demented. Jesse V. did a special on this and AJ stated that many of the workers who worked during the Valdez incident are now dead. Toxic exposure for events that the string pullers more then likely knew about in advance. If these people want a war they came to the right place. Didn't the Chain gang make a comment that the new cia girl is more then ok and so was enhanced integration techniques? Yes Hannity was making Chain gang look like a hero that should be applauded for speaking out against the leftist press and their criticisms on enhanced integration techniques. I know that is why its hard for me to take Hannity seriously, at least Gorka made a comment that it could lead to a false confession. I am not really into demagogues, cool aide drinkers and propaganda. I hope our Potus is for real he is buds with Hannity. Seriously there are so many crimes that need to be investigated we don't need anybody making Chain Gang looking like some kind of hero.
  Maybe the press knows something about our Potus that we don't know about and they have reason to not give him the benefit of the doubt? Maybe, but I don't think so.  His latest statement is encouraging- "The drug lobby is making an absolute fortune at the expense of American consumers." And the latest corrupt politician- Their are so many capital cronies that I haven't even heard of many of them. "Sheldon Silver repeatedly used his enormous public power for his own enormous private gain" It all makes sense to me now I recently had a white light experience as far as coming to a realization. That is why so much money is made by these capital cronies, they are nothing but politicians and they have been playing this game their entire lives. They had to figure out who's ass to kiss to get where they needed to go which was always in a way that would benefit them financially.
  Our Potus promised that he wasn't one of these people and that he would expose them for who and what they are. It looks like he is doing that, the evidence is turning up day by day with the amount of people that are getting indicted. He needs to pull the onion off of  the DOJ once and for all and let all of the skeletons out of the closet. Thomas Paine was wondering why Maxine Waters has a multimillion dollar home and  bank account working as a public servant? Not only that, the richer these people are the more arrogant they are, they actually try to influence our opinions as a public servant. These people work for us, political pundits and deep state zealots are going to go down much sooner rather then later.  

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