Monday, May 7, 2018

Magical Mystery Tour

What is going on with Chad Furlong? He was kicked off of Task Force 129, too many issues, not doing the right thing. We gave him the benefit of the doubt but he keeps screwing up. What do you mean? It means that he is not grateful and is not keeping a low enough profile. Not that many people know that he is oga but he just got tazed by local leos. He has issues, plus we don't want roid rage and benzo combinations around the unit, not safe. The other issue is that he doesn't want to comply with the mandates. Treatment, the rooms, Smart Recovery, he needs to do a lot more then what he has been doing that is for sure. Plus he is not grateful for the multiple chances that he has been given up until this point in time. He just wants to blame everybody else. What do you mean elaborate?
 For starters he never even made it through Ranger School, he was then given the golden opportunity to be part of a Task Force that works huge cases surrounded by multiple Tier One operators, we saw heart and guts but he didn't make the most out of it. We don't care if you use juice we just don't want to know about it and you have to keep it low profile. You cant get wasted and have diabolical rages. Once you start conducting yourself above the radar screen and people start noticing there are definitely going to be problems. If you are in recovery can you use the juice? It depends on who you ask, there is no single authority out there when it comes to peoples opinions because lets face  that is what they are. Nobody is the final authority, it comes down to ones authentic self and what feels right. What about smoking weed can you do this in recovery? It comes down to who you ask but I say definitely no. So why can you maybe do the juice and possibly weed but definitely shrooms? Many people would say don't do magic mushrhrooms?
  Why don't you offer a magic carpet ride and a magical mystery tour for Chad, that might help him attain some gratitude. He has humility but is having a problem with the gratitude so mushrooms may help him get to the next level. If that is combined with real therapy he might have a shot to earn his way back to the Task Force. He loves going after bad guys so we don't want to take that away from him. Weed is definitely not permissible, once you have the pychic change you wont want it anyway, there will be no cravings or longings to alter ones mind or mood. This medical marijuana is going to create a lot of addicts but it does have its benefits for some. For example chronic pain clients can go off of the pills and start smoking weed. It will reduce the amount of pills you need to take. As long as somebody doesn't have the propensity for (RDS Reward deficiency Syndrome) or low dopamine d2 receptors you usually wont have a problem. The big issue is that narcotic pain pills have created thousands of addicts for people that don't have RDS-  This means that there is something in the pills that are creating addicts much easier then most narcotic substances. I would compare it to crack cocaine because there is no other way to explain this opiate epidemic any other way. That is what the huge class action lawsuits are all about. Deceptive marketing practices and deemed safe and effective. Safe and effective right on over to heroin addiction and massive overdose deaths. These drug companies have been operating the exact same way they did with big tobacco, creating drugs with the most highly addictive substances just like the tobacco scientists did. Medical marijuana is going to be conducting itself on a slippery slope and their are going to be many dangers lurking around the corner. It is definitely not the solution for drug addiction, infact it is just the opposite. It is a gateway and is highly addictive for a certain populace, this is going to  produce many casualties when all is said and done. If you have a marijuana medical card you still cant drive around stoned just because you have a prescription. Its the same premise as with all of the other narcotic prescription medications,  people will soon be getting (driving while stoned DWS)    

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