Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Warrior Poet Sonet

"May the road rise to meet you detective-" Lt. Declan Murphy Manhattan Vice UC- Law and Order SVU- One of the senior members of Task Force 129 expressed his concerns about Chad which led to his permanent departure. His name is Kirk- 39 years old and still in great shape- 33 pull ups and sub 9 minutes for 1.5 miles- extreme rock climbing expert and great with the Haho's and Halo's- Even though he smokes like a trooper and drinks like a fish he prides himself in being a quiet  professional with great pft's. He has many life lessons learned- His biggest quote comes from first hand experience-
"Just when you think you went all out to save somebody else the entire time they were really out to save you"
  Anyway when Kirk speaks we listen because he doesn't say that much, taciturn and cerebral- Kirk stated that Chad needs to go, on top of everything else he is a gear queer and is not even a real operator- Too much special treatment, way too many chances and to top it all off now he doesn't even want to kill bad guys. Group conscience and the overall consensus had Chad removed permanently from the unit. He took the news like a pro, his heart wasn't totally broken, he was still riding high from his recent pink cloud experience. Until we figure out what other options  you have Chad we would like to pick your brain a little. So you mentioned that you experienced real evolution, what did you mean? I experienced an evolution of consciousness and got in touch with many spirits and souls. I want to be able to share my experience with as many people as possible and start meditating on a daily basis. What is the difference between a training evolution and evolution of consciousness?
  Training evolutions are very stressful in order to simulate what we experience outside the wire so to speak but also can be very exhilarating. Training evolutions are survival based and team oriented. Evolution of consciousness required less effort, I know that was because of the magic mushrooms. You know if you want to get into this without the aide of a psychedelic its going to require a lot of effort from a spiritual standpoint. You are headed in the right direction and hopefully you will stay sober and off the steroids. Yes- I confronted my rage while on the other side and met it head on and never want to go back. Evolution of consciousness was still team oriented but nobody was the enemy, everybody was a friend. Even the bad guys? I didn't meet any bad guys, that's why I don't want to kill anybody anymore. Interesting to say the least.

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