Tuesday, May 1, 2018

An Inconvenient Truth

Is it true that Obama bombed 7 countries in 8 years and created  63 million refugees? Also could it be true that he thought that we had 57 states? What about the 2 billion dollar web page scam for Obama fraud where peoples premiums doubled and tripled and they were supposed to be able to keep their doctor? He was advocating the Fla shuffle and insurance medical fraud in the likes this country has never seen before. And apparently tough to clean up considering the DOJ is as dirty as they come. Wafen SS SES political appointees and stonewallers that have the power to appoint grand juries but never do. So let me get this straight the rank and file good guys at the FBI work their tail off and risk life and limb to conduct real investigations just to get stonewalled by the Obama holdovers of this world? The DOJ, we need grand juries, subpoenas and search warrants otherwise we are going in with sig sauers flash bangs and hand grenades.
  So what about Obama and his dirty teams? 57 states, it was kind of like his gun grabbing VP who made a statement that our ancestors watched the fireside chats on tv. WTF we didn't have tv back in the Roosevelt days, it was all radio. That is what I mean, these dirty dems expect everybody to be brain dead unfortunately many are. They advocate Fabian socialism, lining up to get meds while becoming a slave to the man and a ward of the state. All under the phony guise of helping out the little guy while they then try to scurry away with all of the loot. They are real pirates, the fact that they went all out to sabotage our Potus says a lot, like they are covering up a lot of pertinent intel. Like Weinergate and all that  was uncovered in those disturbing e-mails, its time to finally pay the piper.
   What did you think about An Inconvenient Truth? Al Gore has about as much credibility as Bibi and his IDF cronies. What do you mean? He comes across as a rube and a con man and his cgi blue marble scam of global warming only confirms this.  I advocate a minimal carbon footprint but his spies and lies go above and beyond the pale of junk science fiction. So how much money did AL Gore and his democratic charlatans rob from we the people with this bogus carbon tax for a non existent threat? I don't know, the pale blue dot, he looks and acts like a clown and made a pejorative comment about the Secret Service to his son. What about Bibi? He should go back to selling furniture because I am not buying his geopolitical assessment on Iran. When are these people going to stop trying to bs us, political charades and propagandists. I am no fan of Israel's tactics, Mossad wages war by  deception and cover, this is cowardly and they are responsible for many heinous war crimes in the West Bank. Not only that Bibi should have been in jail along time ago so what is the hold up? Every time I see Sebastian Gorka on Hannity I know that he is going to tow the demagogue Greater Israel Party line and I am not down with it. As much as I like his viewpoints on going after the deep state I don't fully trust him and neither does Alex Jones. Nobody was buying his confirmed intel with Syrian chemical weapons either. One of these days in the not so distant  future intel is going to have to be 100% legit and verified. And if it isn't there needs to be repercussions, no more operating way above the law in the name of national security.

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