Wednesday, May 9, 2018

I Am The Law

"I Am the law" AG Schneiderman was abusive in his public and private conduct according to a WSJ op-ed-  Do you think these allegations are true? If they are he is a degenerate and rogue former top dog, NY State Attorney General- Isn't this the same guy that is trying to take down our Potus with all of his alt left political pundits? Why is it that I get the feeling that whatever these democrats are accusing others of they are really guilty of themselves? These are allegations and he claims that it was just role playing. Role playing when a woman goes on record stating that she was in fear for her life?
 According to another account he yanked a woman across the street  stating that he was the law and jaywalking was illegal. Things can be taken out of context and role playing is somewhat plausible but then why would these women go on record knowing that it would take him down? These allegations are horrific, spitting, slapping, choking, alcohol and drug fueled rages, threats to use his power as AG against them if he was defied. We live in a world where we were desensitized a long time ago, AG's and former presidents, repugnant behavior has become the norm. Schneiderman was apparently on the climate change band wagon as well.
    Its time to go back to 1950's sensibility and a Potus who remind us of Archie Bunkers indignation and of a time and place of a generation long forgotten. (The Faith Of Donald J Trump) What did you think of the book? It was good, his mom from the Isle Of Lewis- The Outer Hebrides, that is why he is one of us. Old school values and a time that we had after WW2- The Greatest Generation- Love of god and country- Scots are known as street tough and straight talking- Its a kind of brutal honesty that you know is real because one can feel it on a visceral level. He is so unlike other politicians, it is so refreshing. The former NY AG was doing his best to try to take him down, these pundits have a plethora of skeletons in their closet, we haven't yet even scratched the surface. We don't care nor do we want to know about peoples private lives unlike many creepy tabloid stalker types. If you are a criminal and a violent one at that this is an entirely different story especially if you are NY's top dog of law enforcement. We don't care about porn stars and peoples lives behind closed doors, its over for the left as we once knew it. Secular Progressives and hypocrisy, Schneiderman was apparently an abuse victims advocate.  There is something deeply troubling about many of these people. Comey, the Cartel Queen the list goes on. If you are a top dog in law enforcement what does it say about your character if a woman is in fear for her life about potential reprisals? If true this means that there is something inherently flawed within your soul and that you are drunk with power. It also means that you never fully developed from a maturity standpoint either because a woman is supposed to feel extra safe especially if one was once close to the top dog LEO-         

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