Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Third Force

("The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It should transcend personal god and avoid dogma and theology- Buddhism answers this description. If there is any religion that could cope with modern scientific needs it would be Buddhism-  Einstein") Albert had it wrong Peter told his father- Buddhism is not a religion its a philosophy. Are you saying that you are smarter then good old Einstein? I know what I know- The big question is what is going on with Task Force 129?-
  Training and courses in forensics and criminology- Also we have added a spiritual advisor to the team who specializes in the Third Force- Let the Third Force be with you- This is a defiant part of pychology which somewhat rejects behaviorism and pychodynamics. It is humanism and not Transhumanism- Humanism pychology acknowleges that we are allready whole, not broken and our advisors are not totalitarian authority figures that refer to us as patients trying to fix what is broken. We are clients that are part of a team and that should never be forgotten. That tells you what the problem is right there, behaviorism and phcohdymanic therapy is archaic and is based off of lab rat tests and trying to shove meds down our throat. Cameron was head of the APA and was blowing peoples minds out with ECT without thier consent. How come he never went to jail? Most of these people never went to prison. Humans are not animals so Pavlov's dog needs to be thrown out of the window. Humanism morphed into Transpersonal Pychology- holistic and eastern based philosophies- We were never broken, that is why we never needed to be fixed per se- Just a spiritual awareness and try not to judge. You are talking to the wrong group of fire breathing demon chasers because a bunch of pissed off patriots are ready to unleash war on the deep state. We already have and now thunderous roars of stars and stripes are going off all around us. Keep up the great work Anonomyus Patriots 

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