Friday, May 4, 2018

Den Of Thieves

(Wild west days of Silicon Valley are coming to an end just as they did for industrial capitalism) John Steele Gordon WSJ- So let me get this straight the SES steals patents under the phony guise of national security and then uses cia/Silicon Valley by weaponizing the technology against we the people by trying to radiate us to an early grave? They spy and use foreign nationals and bogus private intel firms to dig up dirt on a Presidential candidate who at that point was just a private citizen? Yes, the SES and all of their corporate interests outsources to Serco with all of the patents and trade secrets that they stole. It sounds like they are bullies and thugs? Yes, they consist of the gang of 8 on floor 7, lying to a federal judge and perjury is everyday business for these folks, they appear to be unscrupulous. When you are in charge of conducting the investigations one can run this kind of racket, they have been doing this for decades.
  What about the Den Of Thieves movie? It was where the only difference between the cop and the criminal was the badge. A former recon Marine was part of the so called bad guy crew but that is always murky territory. The Cal. Sheriff Dept and a big heist on the FED. Nobody cares if the FED gets robbed, look what they have been doing to we the people since it was illegally hijacked in 1913- no legal quorum- pernicious usury and counterfeit currency, charging  interest for money that was never legally theirs. Not backed by gold or silver and then confiscatory IRS tax heists of up to 60%. The US needs to default on all of the debt and then go after the SES Sercos who use Zucktown to steal our info and then sell it to third parties. Illegal monopolies, businesses that were sent out to Mexico, stolen patents sold to China, an opiate epidemic where the only feasible capitalist option is to open up a detox. There are jobs out there but apparently people cant seem to pass the pee tests. Its time to go after the real criminals and stop focusing on the small fries

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