Thursday, January 11, 2018

What You Resist Persists

What do you have to say about you being the one that is an egomaniac with an inferiority complex? I would say no but I do need to watch out for the harsh criticisms on the system because there are a lot of good people in it. For example somebody can go to jail and rehab as many times as they need to eventually get sober. Some of the people that I was calling devils may actually be angels. Like who are you referring to? The people who are letting the clients go to rehab multiple times over. Their is no correlation between long term sobriety and the number of times somebody went to rehab. In fact the longer one goes to rehab, jails and therapy the more that the seeds get planted.
  There is no need to call these people at the top of the system criminals who incarcerate people as a means of control or to make money. The US criminal justice system is the best in the world and the Rico statute has very sharp teeth. The system has helped many people become very happy and productive members of society. What you resist persists, this means that by criticizing everybody else above the top of the Pyramid you are really not feeling so great about yourself. Just be the divine light and try to carry the message, who cares whatever else somebody is allegedly doing are not doing because that is finger pointing and untreated dry drunk alcoholism in spades. Obama is a good guy, a constitutional lawyer and he was never a war monger, he stands for peace and prosperity for future generations. What do you think about Potus Trump statement that America isn't ready to tackle the opiate epidemic and how he compared today's drug usage to The Age Of Aquarius in the 60's? I don't agree, we have never been more ready and it doesn't have to get worse before it gets better, its a matter of perception. We have the best combination of therapy and support groups in a way that this country has never experienced before. What do you mean by that? It means that we are still in the Age Of Aquarius- Peace, love and real living angels that can help people get in touch with eternal life and the spiritual guide force. Utilitarianism and positive reinforcement- no guilt or shame, the more people that are suffering means that their will be a higher percentage of people that get and stay sober. It starts by no longer criticizing people within  the system because everybody is doing the best that they can. Their is a reason for everything, and what you are criticizing really has an end game that is for the greater good and for the betterment of society as a whole. The opiate scourge of our lifetime will be a better opportunity to help and to be of service. Spontaneous remissions, meditations, combining clear and pure intentions with elevated emotions, this is going to revolutionize our world as we once knew it.

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