Saturday, January 6, 2018

Faster Then A Speeding Bullet

What do you think about Fire And Fury? I don't know but it seems to be bogus- Fox News is doing a good job of showing examples of fake news, especially Sean Hannity- Also if Steve Bannon is anti establishment this means that he shouldn't have contributed to a book that is apparently so divisive. 6 months ago I was somewhat swayed in the direction of the establishment news outlets, people like Chris Mathews and Rachel Madow, but not anymore.. If the Russia story is not a hoax  I will be surprised. On the other hand I believe that Charles Ortel has solid intel on the Clinton Foundation but only time will tell. President Trump has eliminated ISIS and the economy is firing up like the Trump Train that it was meant to be. He has millions of solid people standing behind him in unison with support and encouragement. What do you think that he allegedly doesn't read on a voracious level? If this is true which I doubt from the excerpts that I read he does what all top notch executives do, they focus on the big picture and not the minutia. He doesn't need to be bogged down and distracted, he knows what needs to get done and then he comes out at full speed and at the highest of all intellectual and spiritual force. The Trump Train travels faster then a speeding bullet and leaves Acela in the rear view mirror. Richard Clark stated that Bill Clinton was of high intellect and stayed up reading until the wee hours of dawn. That's great but he wasn't an effective leader that's the difference between an establishment politician and a Scottish warrior. The establishment is done as we once knew it or it soon will be as Monica Crowley stated. I will be surprised if they don't all go down in a ball of flames. Clinton had the establishment news feeds telling the world about classified missions in Somalia in 93, do you think our Potus would ever do that? Why would Clinton tip off the bad guys in advance? The media has been allowed to get away with many horrible things over the years but now those days are soon finally coming to an end. A top notch executive doesn't hide in the dark like a Vampire and just read books and hours of briefings. They focus on the big picture and know how to multi task and implement  many things much quicker then the average bear.   

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