Tuesday, January 16, 2018

One Chip Wonder

What do you think about that alt right investigator Laura Loomer who is asking real questions about the Vegas shooting? For starters we need to get rid of labels, this is an old divide and conquer trick. Liberal, Democrat Alt Right, fringe conspiracy theorist it is all a con game. What do you mean? I am not a Republican or a Democrat, I am an American pure and simple. The string pullers surreptitiously like to label people to keep them fighting against each other. Tell me more? That is the problem with organized religion, a lot of it is draconian, fear and shame based but this has definitely changed with the New Age. As much as I love and respect Bill W. I cant hold back anymore, his latest meditations are old school religion. Like what are you referring to? You don't deserve it but be grateful for the life that you have been given. You must obey and listen to god. What happened to take what you like and leave the rest? Yes, I am taking what I like and explaining why I don't like some of the other things. That is why the New Age movement doesn't make anybody feel bad about themselves because we are already our own worst enemy. Who wants to be reminded that we are no good and don't deserve it, ought, must should or else- eternal damnation.
    That is why labels can sometimes do more harm then good. Alcoholic, drug addict junky you don't deserve it, at least I am not in jail, another institution or homeless. Where is the empowerment? That is why in Smart Recovery their are no labels. We pray in AA not because we don't deserve it or we must listen and obey but rather because we want to live and share our experience with others. We need to hold our head high and look at people straight in the eye, Recovery Out Loud. Lets get rid of all of the secrecy and the shame because that isn't healthy or conducive for long term success. Once we made the decision to turn our will over there should be no more fear of lighting bolts that are going to come out of nowhere and  hit us and take us out and into the ground. Like what do you mean? It means that I hear a lot of fear based talk and not enough inner Source, faith and strength. Fear and shame, guilt, old school religion, today we can walk hand in hand with the spirit of the Universe and trudge the road to happy destiny. We can go to rock and roll parties and even walk down the liquor isles. In my humble opinion people who talk about having their disease come out of nowhere and take them out and into the ground haven't made the decision yet and that is the third step? This means that we can stay sober on yesterdays sobriety because the decision is made every day. Therapy is great because once people see that their way of life doesn't or isn't working anymore and its all damage control then they can move on over to the numinous side of things. This means that therapy really begins with  abstinence and sobriety and everything before this is self medicating but it is really planting the seeds. What seeds? Seeds to long term sobriety, there are thousands maybe even millions of people that are one chip wonders, that is permanent sobriety. There are many great spiritual teachers that have helped and are helping people get in touch with the numinous that aren't so called alcoholics and drug addicts. This is the New Age spiritual peace movement that is hitting this country like the Trump Train that it was always meant to be. I am eternally grateful for the people in the rooms, non judgmental, they helped love me until I could love myself.

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