Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Fraud And Theft By Deception

The cia runs guns and drugs and should be broken up and all culpable individuals need to go to jail. Hillary Clinton makes me sick and so does the Bush family- Mena Arkansas- not fake news- credible sources have come out with this info. So this happened under Reagan- Clinton states that Alex Jones is a bad guy because he said that 9-11 and Oklahoma City were inside jobs. I watched A Noble Lie and have checked out other intel  and I would have to state that Jones is right on the money. So now we have some things going in the right direction. David Knight explained that Robert Gates- George W and Obamas Secretary of Defense was the Deputy cia director during the drug running days of the 80's-  Why are the rules different for these political hacks and opportunists? We don't want any more of your phony false flag school shootings and bs mass shootings in general. Fraud And Theft By Deception- Fetzerblog- Sandy Hook- Their entire house of cards is going to  crumble down in 2018 because we finally have the right man in charge. The economy is on fire as well- The executive order that targets the globalists, all done by somebody that they didn't want to win. I cant wait until the major drug rings are broken up. I don't like massive ods and people dying from heroin and fentanyl because of these cia criminals that are doing the same thing that they did in the 80s with their cocaine and crack. They called for a massive depopulation agenda and I really don't think this is funny. How many dead heroin ods 64,000 per year more then the entire Vietnam war. These big Pharma drug distributors are going to be held accountable- Something is wrong so what are We The People going to do about it? You waged war on our people so now we are going to wage war on you

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