Saturday, January 27, 2018

The Way Of The Political Warrior

"Where is the leadership? Perhaps the way our political system is set up and financed works against the possibility of finding the men and women we need to have social problems realistically addressed. One thing is clear: We need political warriors, willing to fight the good fight for our world!"pp-108-The Warrior Within- What about The Trump Train is it really going to change the world as we once knew it? Yes- It already has and it is only going to go uphill from here. Tell me what is really going on with all of this Russia bs- It looks like the Deep State created a phony dossier and paid millions of dollars for it just to prevent Potus Trump from moving forward. A dirty dossier that was fraudulent, a burnt out x-British spy created it along with many other rogue operatives. They used this as an excuse for a FISA warrant which meant that if their is any suspicion of  foreign espionage this will give the green light for surveillance, wire taps domestically etc.. So this was a fraudulent based document used to perpetuate another fraud? Yes- Welcome to the dirty world of politics where only the paranoid survive. William Binney broke down what they really use it for- Illegal spying within the US- Parallel Construction, basically they use raw intel and morph it into info that is used for real cases to try to put away so called bad guys. As long as they are real bad guys that is all that matters though right? That isn't setting a good example because this is an abuse of power at the highest of all levels.
    Binney broke down the FISA memo with Alex Jones, Binney a real Patriot somebody that will be remembered for years to come. We don't want a rogue deep state government that is able to do whatever they want whenever they want. In other words when you continually spy on the American people which is what this FISA thing was really designed for you can use that for whatever advantage you want, the deep state now becomes the magicians, the gods that make things up as they go along. Do you think that this case will go anywhere some say that this is Watergate on Steroids? Binney blames Ford for pardoning Nixon, this just set up the precedent for future abuses within the establishment swamps. As far as Watergate on steroids Dr P stated that Benghazi was Watergate on steroids and that never seemed to go anywhere. What was that the off line back door illegal Manpad and drug deals with the Clinton and Brennan cronies that led to a stand down and a dead Ambassador along with some hero cia contactor operators? Yes- Their laundry list of illegal activities seems to be growing by the day. If they used unverified bias intel bought and paid for by the opposition party and then lied to a federal judge and the FISA memo seems to substantiate this isn't that perjury? Yes- but that is nothing compared to what they have already gotten away with totally unscathed up until this point in time. Murder, Racketeering, drug running, Obstruction, human, child trafficking, phony false flags in Newtown etc.., money laundering- alleged pedophilia. These aren't nice people. Pam Bondi Fla AG stated that our AG William Sessions has to do a real investigation on all of this.         

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