Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Freedom Of The Press

What do you think about Hillary's con job, cover up and enabling of the sexual harassment perpetrator? Pathetic, what else is knew, these allegations seem to have been vetted by a reliable source as well. The continual and ongoing saga of double standards and hypocrisy all under the phony guise of The Me Too Movement. Didn't she threaten her husbands rape victims and even have one of their cats killed? Didn't many people mysteriously or not so mysteriously end up dead? Clintons War On Women- I trust Roger Stone. What else has she done? Lets see if one believes in sources that appear to be very credible their is an entire laundry list of dirty deeds. She didn't win that is all that matters so why focus on all of this garbage? Because she is still the queen of the nefarious left and these people play dirty, what's fair in love and war is not fair when it comes to these career law breakers. Piss Gate- Hackgate- hopefully our Potus will read the FISA memo during his State Of The Union address. Some of these people seem disturbed, apparently one is not even allowed to agree to disagree anymore. The problem with the radical left is that it was hijacked years ago even before they took out JFK- They aren't even real or true liberals it appears to me, they have ugly, mean and violent streaks where it appears that they don't want America to prosper. Bernie Sanders, these people seem to be Marxists and Socialists who relish in causing chaos and fear. Who would be an example of a true liberal and somebody who wants America to prosper and succeed? Ron Paul, I am not so sure about his son, I have mixed views on that one. A dirty pool player is somebody who is so narrow focused, solipsistic and self absorbed that they would stop at nothing to achieve their selfish goals.
   Charles Ortel breaks it down into simple terms. Just plug one of the Clinton associates names in google with the word fraud next to it and see how deep and long the laundry list goes. This Russia Gate was the deal breaker for me because I was giving the fake news the benefit of the doubt after the election and was quite down on our President elect. How do you know that this Mueller investigation isn't legit? The lack of credible or the lack of any real, substantive evidence up until this point in time.


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