Saturday, January 6, 2018

Spiritual Activation Teams

Evolution Of Revolution- Neale Donald Walsch- the spirit of the universe- life changing perception on god and the future of our world- New World Order- NWO- not of all of the bad that we read about it but rather all of the good. This means a one world spirituality with a god as we understand (him/her Universal intelligence) Not in the traditional god of yesterday but rather with the future god of tomorrow- This means instead of tactical drone strikes to take out the so called bad guys we will send out (spiritual activation teams-) The reason the world has become a divide and conquer scenario is due to yesterdays god- Nationalist Imperialism for USA is ok but we cant view other cultures and countries as less then. One Nation Under god Indivisible means integrating peace concepts across the plane. This will set up an evolution of revolution. If we are all connected as one this means that we cant or shouldn't kill anybody else because that means that we are really killing ourselves. Thou shall try not judge others because that means that we are really judging ourselves and playing the role of yesterdays god. One can form strong conclusions  based on all available evidence but not having contempt prior to investigation is a good concept to adhere to. God is really life itself and this means all living and breathing beings. This includes plants and animals- We shouldn't be killing animals unless we are starving- I eat dead animals and try not to feel guilty about it- Its ok to judge people that kill animals for only stuffed trophies and ego gains. Maybe we should let all of the animals and all the people live and stop playing the role of yesterday's god.  But everybody can have their own concept- (as we understood him/her- mother earth universal intelligence and all of life itself) 

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