Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Small Frys Do The Time

One Nation Under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all- So what did you mean by PBS Front Line being fake news? It means that ISIS was a creation of the cia and was run by Israel and rogue factions of our cia- Israel Secret Intelligence Service- The Bush regime ran both sides of the War in WW 2- Smedly Butler- basically financing American deaths to keep the war machine going at full throttle. This isn't one nation under god indivisible, this is unscrupulous capitalism that is traitorous in nature. America isn't supposed to be in bed with other regimes to make a dollar for the select few- People need to go to prison. The Bush family was never supposed to be our Presidents- That was the result of their attempted coup de tet in 1934- How did we let this happen- They ran guns and drugs in the 80s and killed everybody that got in their way. In order for America to be the number one superpower we need to keep all resources stateside and get rid of all rogue factions of the cia. The cia operates the same way as these political hack jobs at the FBI- What is the difference- Nothing- Just like JE Hoover and his public enemy number one we had Bin Laden- Al Zarqawi- Baghdadi and a bunch of bs propaganda along the way. Apparently a lot of Americans and many other innocent people died along the way. 
   I cant wait until our Potus puts the clamps down on all of these rogue crime families- The Coke brothers- Slick Willy and the Bush gangsters and cronies, apparently they all love each other- Rapists that run guns and drugs but the rules are different for all of us why is that? In order for America to be great again this means that all compromised individuals must be eliminated and they need to be held accountable. All libelous and fake news stories that are slanderous in nature must be not only made illegal but they also need to have consequences. Piss Gate- Hack Gate and every thing else in between that these political cia maphia thugs and hacks made up need to be met head on.        
   Hillary Clinton- continued flagrant and egregious violations of the rule of law but  then they send drug addicts to prison for possession charges. Our country is run by a bunch of criminals, thugs and racketeers. The criminal justice system doesn't work anyway and they don't enforce the law for the people at the top why is that? So what difference does it make? What is giving somebody a felony going to do to prevent somebody from becoming a recidivist? Infact you are almost guaranteeing recidivism  by making somebody fill out check boxes making it very difficult if not impossible to find decent employment. Jail and prison doesn't deter anything anyway because people can get drugs on the inside almost as easily as on the outside and they are also surrounded by drug addicts and people with criminal minds. The criminal minds at the top are the ones who thought about incarceration as a way to control the masses as well as to  make a lot of money along the way. I couldn't get a decent job at $15 dollars per hour and I couldn't even become a limo driver because of my class e- felony. This only made me more depressed and increased my anxiety and low self esteem. The system does a good job of sending people to treatment but the multiple treatment scenarios need to be cut off. Just because somebody uses after treatment doesn't mean that they have to go back again. This is an insurance scam that the fat cat capitalists have been making millions and in aggregate billions of dollars off of . So its either jail or another rehab while the profiteers laugh all the way to the bank. These fat cat war mongers make so much money off of the private and public prison systems as well. So they are either making money off of financing both sides of war, rehabs, jails and prisons. This is racketeering so why are only the small fry's doing the time? They have the best scam going now- Have cia run all of the drugs in and then send everybody to rehab and prison once they get hooked if they don't od and die first and then make it nearly impossible for anybody to ever become a functioning and productive member of society.

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