Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Game Over

Isn't judging Walsch for his life and multiple marriages before he became spiritual like judging a drug addict/ alcoholic before they got sober? Yes- good point- How come you never said anything about the s-hole counties comment? You never asked- Now that you did why should we open up our borders when our own house isn't in order? For starters Bono has lost some cred in my book. His new video portraying our Potus as some kind of racist that is into the KKK- Not only that he apparently keeps 99% of his One Foundation proceeds. The other thing is I don't trust many of these actors in Hollywood that make believe that they hate our President. Once your an actor in many cases these people don't turn off their actors role whatever it may be, it all depends on how much money they are getting paid. That doesn't bode well with me- Its kind of like the bi-polar split personalities that The Warrior Within talks about. Some of these people are such good actors that you would never know how they really felt. I think that's a hoar's game- Come on out and tell us how you really feel and lose the act. 
   Secondly we have a foundation called the Clintons that allegedly pillaged a lot of money from one of the so called s-hole countries. Do you think our Potus would ever do that? He wants to bring the power back to we the people and straighten out our own infrastructure first and foremost with more jobs considering its been abused by the technocrat global elites for so long. Why make believe that we are the land of opportunity when we haven't even been their for our own indigenous people? Stand Downs at the border, Fabian socialist, Fast and Furious, false flags, phony tears we have been invaded by a foreign occupation during the preceding administration. The Fisa memo might be the beginning of the end of the Deep State and the rogue democrats and life as we once knew it. Let me explain how bad this really is- When you are the supreme law enforcement agency of the land and you stonewall an official investigation you need to be eliminated and reorganized from the top down. It appears that its mostly just the top, the capital cronies making the big bucks- You can't have your own partisan private law enforcement agency when you work for we the people. You have an obligation to do your job otherwise your badge as well as your honor if you ever had any at all needs to be stripped. My argument about the Pinkerton's being privatized before the FBI and how that worked can work as long as its done correctly. You have to abide by the entire constitution on both sides of the political spectrum and be completely impartial.
   This Vegas shooting appears to be another joke of an investigation being protected by the main stream media. AJ has top source FBI- HRT etc and others that stated that more then one weapon was being discharged. Is it plausible that only one man killed all 58 of those people? There has been so much suppression of evidence over the years that if these people ever got in a real courtroom with an impartial jury that wasn't rigged the house of cards would come crumbling down and people would  start to fall like dominos- The house of cards, the house that junk built, pernicious usury where they rob the poor people of Haiti under the phony guise of trying to help where they have been able to do what ever they want when ever they want because they have always had the main stream media to cover for them as their partners in crime. Rico crimes- Racketeering- Money laundering, Obstruction Of Justice, collusion, threats either direct or indirect, murder, many people need to go to jail first and then prison. Once our Potus gets control over the Justice Dept and The FBI its game over for many of these criminals.  

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