Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Laissez Faire

Why is Sessions cracking down on weed, what a waste of time. How can something be legal and then not be from a fed standpoint? Remember how they used to give draconian sentences, ie- many years for weed? Who are the real criminals?- They control everything just like in the bootlegging days and then make believe that they are really looking out for our greater good- Seriously our AG is not very impressive- Az Sheriff Joe Arpaio was another self promoter who shouldn't have been given a pardon and now he wants to run for The Senate. We live in a country where the most corrupted and the most corruptible get Presidential Medals of Freedom and fast tracks toward promotion instead of prison. First of all detaining people in the desert is cruel and unusual punishment- This guy has all the hallmarks of a dirty dealer. Pink underwear or whatever else he did, these clowns  live in the stone age. Incarceration doesn't work and neither does solitary confinement, this is akin to torture and Gitmo tactics. The people who created  these stone age rules are the biggest criminals of all. How is giving somebody ptsd and isolating them from all human contact going to deter them from committing another behavioral issue? Most of the people that are locked up are not hardened criminals anyway, they are drug addicts that got caught up and are victims of the system. How are they victims of the system? Lets take at look at Chicago PD which is based in harsh reality. Chicago one of the most hellacious urban war zones in the country all sponsored by Obama and company- Rahm Emanuel the Chicago mob crowd- Arpaio is questioning the authenticity of Obamas birth certificate, this is a positive thing that he is doing without question. He is not the only one who believes that it may not be legit. If you have infighting within the top brass and when people are under appreciated this leads to  resentment and this is what perpetuates the dirty cop- Sgt Hank Voight- Only 1 bowl of dog food in the cage with 2 dogs- Sgt Voight is a great cop but the chief is a dirty dealer- That's how these people set it all up- Its all about divide and conquer-
    So when you grow up on the streets their is basically only one way to survive- Locking these people up takes them off the street for a while but they are almost guaranteed to start the cycle over. And Sin City- the largest mass shooting in US history, another cover up by dirty cops, local leos and the feds. Its unfortunate because these people are making everybody else look bad and that's not good- Watching Live PD- these cops are all top notch, their are no signs of urban warfare treatment and trigger happy leos- infact it's just the opposite and this is the majority. So now we need some Serpicos to come out and say we want  no bs investigations on all of these mass shootings and all dirty cover up con artist cops and their top brass will be arrested and stripped of their badge because you don't work for yourselves perse you work for "We the People"- Sandy Hook- Vegas- these people are covering it all up  and the FBI is in on it. However the corruption goes all the way to the top as usual.
    So as AG Sessions should have a laissez faire approach to marijuana- leave the people alone and keep the feds out of it and let the individuals not the individual states choose what is right for them- Their are bigger fish to fry- The heroin triangle in Atlanta. There are so many good cops out there- This one cop on intervention didn't arrest an addict for paraphernalia he got her some help instead- Therapy combined with god is the solution

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