Thursday, January 4, 2018

The Numinous

Be Skeptical But Learn To Listen- So what is on your mind today? Lets see mysticism is more of a philosophy then a religion. I am skeptical but have learned to be more trusting since my spiritual awakening. I have a few questions- First off I would like to ask Oprah what is up with her alleged pow wow with the eugenicists? She apparently went with Bloomberg- One of those secret Bilderberg events- Is mass depopulation hard and soft kill methods really on their agenda? If so this definitely goes against her endorsement of great spiritual books like The 5th Agreement and The Secret- I try not to be political because I am really not, I just don't like or respect hypocrisy and phonies. I can see that many of the spiritual greats are not into polemics, they stay out of debates that is why I admire and respect Lilou Mace so much, she is all about peace and love. But it is hard for me to not ask questions when people like Neale Donald Walsch consider Bill Clinton to be an icon and somebody of greatness and mass influence. He also admires Streisand, I don't care because I am a bleeding heart libertarian and like a lot of those people as well. So my next question is are those rape allegations true and what about those Mena Ark. drug runs and Clinton body counts? I don't live in a land of smoke and mirrors with fairy tails and stardust like many of these people. I admire Walsch a great deal and do his meditations every morning, although he made an appearance in the movie he doesn't hold in high regard The Secret. He feels that The Secret is all about me- myself and I and not enough about how can I serve thee? It is my feeling that The Secret is something that is decent from a cursory standpoint but it doesn't delve into the land of the numinous. And once the numinous is glimpsed nothing will ever be the same again.
   In other words The Book and movie will gain some fans and piqué the interest of the spiritually curious however Walsch goes much deeper then that. In other words The Secret is somewhat commercialized, it gets people to continue to head to the seminars and to buy the DVD's in an attempt to get the rubies and the diamonds. Walsch is all about spirituality and The Source within so there is no need to constantly run around the matrix and the hamster wheel looking for miracles. This is the 3- D world when Walsh is already 5- D and beyond. He is brilliant, he knows that in order to be successful one has to empower and make others successful around him/her and that is the real secret to happiness and success. The 3- D world is all about what's in it for me- myself- and I- Spirituality comes from the immaterial and basically one is already whole and doesn't need a significant other to accomplish this mission. That is the definition of enlightenment and one doesn't have to constantly ask others for their approval if they are enlightened or not. This is how Eckard Tolle explained it "one will know when they no longer have to ask the question." Even if one has a little numinous in their soul  this is better then having no spirituality at all. That is the problem with organized religion and all of their worshiping and obeyance myths. Jerry Maguire You Complete Me is a myth and is not based in spiritual reality. Nothing was able to fill the hole in my soul called alcoholism- I never had success but couldn't relate or deal with failure either. Today my goal is to have situations develop as a result of being happy not having happiness being contingent upon the result of certain conditions because that is 3 D- Today I don't have to be co-dependent and try not to save the world. However Buddha did say act like you are actually making a difference in world events while laughing at the absurdity of that thought at the same time. My definition of enlightenment today is having peace and love in ones soul.  I am a ways away from this in totality but hopefully I am a little bit better off then yesterday

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