Friday, January 12, 2018

AI and Thier Technocratic Gods I thought that you were going to get out of the debating society business? Issues are meant to be discussed and it is actually healthy to agree to disagree. I may seem like the final authority but there are many others who will try to shoot me down. Do you believe that the technocrats created all of the current ills of our modern day society? Yes- they have super smart people, they know how the mind works and are expert manipulators. The book Irresistible written by a Stern School professor explains in great detail what this Infowars link does, addiction in its finest forms. If somebody is a drug addict does that mean that they are definitely an alcoholic? Let me put it to you this way you might be able to be a drug addict without being an alcoholic but there is no way that you are  going to be an alcoholic without unequivocally being a drug addict as well. That is confusing what do you mean? It means that you can be a chronic pain patient and get physically hooked on meds an in medical terms be considered an addict primarily due to a physical dependence but that doesn't mean that your brain is predisposed to Reward Deficiency Syndrome- Low dopamine d2 receptors. This means that you can physically wean off the drug and then go back to moderation and life as you once knew it. It all depends on somebody bio pycho social- Its not how much one uses perse its what it does to you when you use that is the big differentiation.
    The most beautiful gift for an alcoholic/drug addict is to accept that fact on a soul level and then turn ones life over to a power greater then themselves, this is what can turn a resentful active or dry drunk alcoholic into a humble and grateful one. The technocrats and their AI gods are actually angels because they are helping more people get in touch with our creative and universal intelligence. What do you think about all of these new solutions  for Treatment Resistant Depression specifically TMS or Trans Cranial Magnetic Stimulation? For starters the globalist technocrats who bring in all of their saviors for the problems that they created try to get us to buy whatever they say or write just because they have the advanced degrees. Depression is a symptom and not a disease. MDD- Major Depressive Disorder just like Bi- Polar are more then likely creations of the Deep State. Lets take a look at the Yale shrinks who weren't even certified in Ct making phony diagnosis on our Potus. Ivy League, advanced degrees doesn't mean as much as one might think, many of these people are bought and paid for frauds. It doesn't mean that they don't have some decent rabbits in their bag of tricks but if you are calling depression a major disease and using various forms of medication many are barking up the wrong tree and are actually doing more harm then good. One of the definitions of Treatment Resistant Depression is having a mix and match plethora of antidepressant medications that are not doing the trick. None of these meds do the trick- Dr Kelly Brogran MD already blew the cover off of the entire medical establishment. She is a holistic psychiatrist and stated that these meds are nothing more then placebos that in many cases cause suicide ideation an outright suicides. Many of these doctors don't do a dam thing except write scrips and play the wizard of OZ and just sit behind their curtain while many people start offing themselves in massive droves due to the side effects of these so called innocuous anti- depressants. These meds have major warning labels to cover any litigation, they are doing more harm then good and Big Pharma is getting away with crimes against humanity. This means that the number one thing that these patients do need is being neglected, that is talk therapy and getting in touch with the numinous. What do you have to say to the people that say meds got me out of my rough spot and actually saved my life? For a quick and temporary solution that was more then likely a placebo I say god bless I am glad that they worked. However who wants to be on meds for life? This is nothing more then a Racketeering operation set up by the greedy technocrats who run big pharma and all of their crime syndicates.

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