Tuesday, January 9, 2018

High Crimes And Felonies

So what do you think about Thomas Ricks book on Churchill and Orwell so far? So far so bad as far as Churchill is concerned- I see him as a typical untreated alcoholic- an egomaniac with an inferiority complex? His mom, very promiscuous and a mentally abusive father in the same league of Satan himself. As long as your child did their best how and why would or could a father send a letter of disappoint and with such vitriolic abuse pretty much guaranteeing the reason for Churchill ending up the way that he did. He wasn't raised with Blue Blood pedigree either and seemed to have a chip on his shoulder as a result of this. He also had a thirst for war in an attempt to earn the respect of his father. "The religion of peace is usually the better armed"pp-14 "Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot at with no result- pp-13 He attended SandHurst this is top notch- I believe Prince Harry went there, This is Americas West Point- I respect Harry, his comrades in arms seemed to respect him as well. He didn't want to be treated any differently while in Afghanistan- And the measure of a warrior is not what somebody says or writes about you in the establishment news feeds but rather its from somebody who really knows you or is able to see how you act or react in various scenarios.
   Alex Jones doesn't seem to respect him, Harry interviewed Obama- Speaking of Jones what do you think about his breakdown of Oprahs speech at the Golden Globes? Jones seems to be right on the money and has been on everything that I have witnessed so far. The charlatans in the main stream media who discredit him are only discrediting themselves and proving themselves to be more and more irrelevant every day. For example why do they consider AJ to be a fringe right wing conspiracy theorist? This isn't even true, he is a libertarian and is the most refreshing geo- political analyst that I have ever witnessed. I used to think that listening in with the VT guys was like getting in on the Fireside chats but not so much any more. Why is that? Because the head sheds don't seem to like or respect our Potus- Today AJ and Dr P are my fireside chats. What do you think about the New York Times magazine analysis of Sean Hannity?- It was ok, he seems like a decent guy full of Fire and Fury. The only problem is that in his down time it appears that he listens to Bo Dietl and not Alex Jones- 
     The issue with Oprahs One World Spirituality is that she needs to answer some questions about depopulation and playing the role of the AI gods- Even the Wall Street Journal had a headline that clearly stated that this billionaires club wants to wipe out the worlds population. Lets take a look at the facts- 64,000 dead people from heroin not including the multiple od's in just one year and that is just with the opiate epidemic- Secondly humans are the divine creation and the divine intelligence so nobody should try to put themselves up on some type of Planned Parenthood bandwagon and start promoting and using abortion as a means of birth control. That is why so many of the people on the right have solid values. Gates dad was all about Planned Parenthood- I also have reason to believe that their so called non profit foundations are not as benolovant as they are trying to make them appear. I will go back to InfoWars, David Knight and Jerome Corsi- These people are owed a huge debt of gratitude not only today but as time marches on. They are doing real investigations right out in the open for We The People to not only witness but to also participate in. What good is working for the cia or the fbi if you cant disclose pertinent intel that we the people have a right to know about? Also I believe that Judicial Watch is probably real, they have been hammering the high crimes and the felonies of the Clintons for a while now. 

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