Friday, January 26, 2018

Unleash The Long Arm Of The Law

I wanted to express my gratitude for the establishment deep state capital crowny swamp machine because without it I wouldn't have as much to write about. I find it more stimulating to be part of helping to expose the big fish not the wanna be small frys. For example this FBI corruption sting that snared the Hallandale Mayor doesn't do that much for me. However it does appear to be an example of the real FBI not the deep state cover up artists at the top of the food chain. What could be better then posing as crooked land developers from Cal "seeking political favor" for development projects.
   The hypocrisy and the double standard at the very top is what fuels my passion because lets face it there is plenty of it. Lets take a look at The Clinton influence peddlers in reference to the Foundation and the earthquake. They are so brazen Bill looks like a drunken rube, Hillary and Chelsea Tweeting out what humanitarians they are in reference to the earthquake. Seriously this is bad news- What is the latest- Anti- Trump Secret society- Missing texts "there is no there there" how did these people get to the Bureau to begin with? A bunch of partisan political hack jobs. This makes all of the good guys in the FBI look bad and that is why this all need to be exposed and adjudicated. Lets look at the track record- Losing 5 months worth of texts, I am not a technical wiz bang but I knew right away that this was  a cover up. Judicial Watch, Charles Ortel,Fox News and many others have been doing a great job staying on top of all of this. Hillary deletes 33,000 e-mails after receiving a subpoena in 2015 isn't that destruction of evidence? Then there was no ongoing search warrants, grand juries or subpoenas because of Slick Willy on the tarmac with Loretta Lynch. The deep state was also in action with Lois Lerner's  24,000 e-mails that were "accidentally lost "Everybody knows that texts and  deleted e-mails can be retrieved because  law  enforcement has been doing this for years in regard to real investigations. When we have an agency that is supposed to the most clean cut of them all acting like hardened and seasoned criminals this isn't a good thing. Lets see what else do we have- They need to release this FISA memo and unleash the dogs of war. Many people cant wait for justice to be served in our country that has been taken over and run by rogue agents at the top. Congress needs to form a second counsel to investigate the mounting evidence of bias in regard to the Russian/Trump collusion distraction and distortion campaign. That is exactly what it appears to be, I gave these establishment cronies the benefit of the doubt after our Potus was elected and even thought that our Potus may have jumped the gun on spying allegations by Obama and company. This led to a major let down of our elected President, at that moment I was putting him in the same category as the criminals before him. Today, this has changed, cia the propaganda elites at MSNBC and  CNN  need to go down in flames for not doing there job in reporting the deeps states brain washing tactics.
    Matt Gaetz a member of the Judiciary Committee which oversees the Justice Dept and the FBI- "The facts contained in this memo are jaw dropping and demand full transparency. There is no higher priority then the release of this information to preserve our democracy" Steve King called what he saw sickening in regard to the classified FISA memo and worse then Watergate" Mark Meadows stated that part of him wishes that he didn't read it and that is was troubling and shocking. He didn't want to believe that this kind of illegal corruption was happening in the country that he loves so much. Time to declassify and unleash the dogs of war.

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