Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Personality Duds Is this real world or exercise? I don't know but it sounds like a bunch of bull shit to me- You mean to tell me that the wealthiest and most technically advanced country on our plane is going to have some neophyte press the wrong button? Causing fear and panic within the indigenous populace is a crime especially when its done on purpose. This sounds to me like a false flag and that was my first reaction when I heard it on the news. I would be more then a little pissed off if I were living in Hawaii- These deep state clowns have nothing better to do then to cause mass hysteria, infact they get off on this, believe it or not they have nothing better to do. Alex Jones explained how Bono's One foundation is not that great, 99% of all of it's charitable funds don't go anywhere except their back pockets. These Deep State  types are pathetic, now they are touting the sexual assault band wagon and accusing people like Steven Seagal. Many of these allegations are fraudulent based and come out of nowhere. The problem is that when allegations are made this hurts somebody's credibility and ones potential for future employment even when the allegations are completely baseless. The same premise holds true for people that are falsely accused and arrested. It doesn't matter that one eventually gets acquitted, its the time, stress and legal bills one has to pay to defend themselves. AJ also explained that Kevin Spacy is a weirdo that didn't want to shake hands with some black people on the set of House Of Cards- 
   George Soros is not supposed to be a nice guy according to Jones. I will tell you that the first time I ever saw him on an interview I got that impression as well. That was over ten years ago and he interviewed on CNBC- He basically made a comment that the only reason why Maria Baratoroma was interviewing him was because he was filthy rich. That is more then likely a true statement because his personality is a dud, so far AJ has been right on about everything.
    Mike Nifong was the disgraced DA in the Duke Lacrosse case in 06 where these players lives were almost ruined by a DA that was more into self aggrandizement and making a case then abiding by the letter of the law. These student athletes weren't able to play in the championship game if I remember correctly all because of bogus rape allegations. Nifong got disbarred and was briefly jailed however these student athletes train almost their entire lives because D-1 lacrosse is serious business just to get blackballed by a bunch of political animals who wanted to make a name for themselves. I watched the Steven Seagal interview, he stated that their needs to be due process when somebody comes out with sexual allegations where he estimates that a high percentage are really just bogus claims. He also stands by Sheriff Joe, this means that I have changed my mind about the Sheriff. It appears that some Hollywood types and Democratic party operatives are part of the deep state.   

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