Monday, January 22, 2018

Slay The Dragons Of Chaos

What does Slaying The Dragon Of Chaos mean? In mythology life and love is open to interpretation- Task Force 129 was born to slay dragons- Our Sec. Of Defense had a call sign named Chaos if  am not mistaken. What do you think about Neale Donald Walsch being married 7 times? I am not very impressed, once or twice I can understand but 7 I am not sure if he is playing with a full deck. I still like his videos, mediations and books, in many ways he is a genius. I am not sure if I am able to trust a man that has been married 7 times, he does seem a bit too high on himself as well. He reminds me too much of those Mormon types- polygamy, hypocrisy and overall weirdness. What happened to thou shall not judge?- Ok you can keep living in your dream world of fairy tails and stardust. Judging people and evaluating peoples character is what made this country great.
   I like one of his quotes that was based off of what Einstein stated- One cant solve problems with the same energy that created it. This basically means that if one wants to slay the dragons of chaos they need to make sure that their own house is in order first. Once they change from a spiritual standpoint the world miraculously starts to change inside them and on the outside as well mostly due to their new found perception and view on so called reality. Do you mean Ultimate Reality? Yes that too. Once the dragons of chaos start to get slayed the process of Individuation can come into play. What does Individuation mean? It means becoming your true self, higher self, your authentic self the spiritual warrior and being that you were always meant to be? Do you still view Walsch as some sort of spiritual mentor? Yes, but I no longer want to be part of his humanity's team. What do you think about Glen Greenwald's interview? It was ok but too verbose, I wouldn't want to go to war with him, he seems a bit too flakey and he wasn't supportive enough of our current administration. I thought that he was a good guy, getting the intel from Snowden and writing that book Manichean Candidate about George W- Yes I know, so what- At least he told the truth that MSNBC and Rachel Madow has turned into nothing more then a partisan political hack job. These agenda driven Democrats seem to be getting very desperate.  
     What do you think about the rift between Megyn Kelly and Jane Fonda? I feel that people have been too quick to criticize Megyn Kelly especially some of the people in the main stream media. She has a good point, Jane Fonda talked about plastic surgery all the time so why should a question that pertains to it be off limits? Like what is she supposed to do cower in fear from the icon who has an agenda. Who has an agenda? Fonda and all of her Hollywood types, they make me sick. Kelly has a lot going for her and could write her own ticket in the alternative media any time that she wants. Fonda and her Me Too movement- Kelly was on that bandwagon with Fox News but what she claimed was more then likely true however most of these allegations are bogus and are total and complete fabrications of reality. Do you believe that Matt Lauer was what they claim? Yes, but many of the other stories that we read about belong in the tabloid rags- unsubstantiated allegations along the same lines as Stew Webb and company. You really don't trust Webb anymore? Do you really think that he had a bw helo shot down? Once somebody makes up one lie you can assume that most of what they have said has been total bull shit. Also he was demonizing Alex Jones trying to make him out to be some kind of traitor that was in bed with Israel, I even bought into it for a little while. Typical divide and conquer tactics- Infowars is the real resistance in the alternative media and they are humming on the Trump Train faster then speeding bullet and more powerful then a locomotive. I even like Sean Hannity now- He has some courage and that is worthy of my respect.                                                                           .          

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