Tuesday, January 16, 2018

The Warrior Within

Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette- "Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse" What is the difference between a rock and roll mercenary and a soldier of the apocalypse and the four horsemen of the apocalypse? Rock and roll mercenaries have a lot more firepower. What do you think about Gordon Duffs latest intel dump? Gordon should open up a business with Nancy Pelosi called Propaganda  R Us. Our Potus is not a three dimensional mobster wanna be, he is the head shed and nobody pushes him around. Why do you think his name is Don? So how do we know what is real or what is not considering everything seems to be an illusion? One must tap in their inner source and stop looking for outside confirmation from what in many cases is just distraction and dis- info. That is how one transforms over from seeker to source, their own inner strength and conviction. It doesn't mean that you are always right but as long as it feels right at least you can go down at peace. If you are so convinced from within isn't this fear and ego based? No infact its just the opposite, the subconscious is fear and ego based but not the conscious. The goal for all of us in this New Age Of Aquarius is to merge the subconscious with the conscious, that is where peace and harmony come into play.  
   All of the wars, fear, greed, resentment, death and destruction come from the sub-conscious and the need to dominate and control others. Manipulation and chaos, this is all ego and self centered fear driven. In many cases its one's perception of reality and this is what causes all of the misery. Once we tap into the numinous and go from seeker to source the sky is the limit, we are talking about infinite potential. Trying to be successful looking outside of oneself is a recipe for alcoholism and depression. That is how and why one is supposed to be complete without a gf. Are you a Democrat or a Republican? Neither, the problem we have in this country is divide and conquer instead of uniting as one. The best thing to do is get rid of both political parties. If the criminal justice system doesn't work anyway then why try to lock up the Clintons? Examples need to be made that more then just the small frys need to do the time. If you are robbing the Haitian people from money that is supposed to be helping them this isn't setting a good example. The days of only the small frys doing the time have to come to an end. What do you think about Steve Bannon? I never trusted him, he seemed Machiavellian right of the bat. When I read that his entire mission was to take on the establishment I had a feeling that he wasn't the genuine article. His alleged quotes about Darth Vader power and Dick Cheney seemed to be very strange as well. Like maybe he isn't playing with a full deck and that is why he crashed and burned. This is a perfect example of somebody being their worst enemy. Alex Jones top notch source Zach stated that Bannon definitely had some weird e-mails. A strange character that thought he could sabotage our Potus and not go down in flames. I don't think anybody would listen to Bannon if he got in front of the podium anyway. These people who write books that are distortions of the truth like this clown Wolf- You can see how they carry themselves that they are smarmy and not trustworthy. Bannon missed out on the first rule of success- In order to become successful you have to help others become successful with genuine and pure motives. The way to crash and burn and go down in flames is to stab the boss in the back and contribute to books that are mostly pure fiction.

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